UV Glow Mr Burns Cake

As a kid my son was terrified of this episode of the Simpsons . He turned 25 today so he faced his fears & loved his cake (he requested it)

It is a dark chocolate cake with lemon curd filling (his fav) with a whipped chocolate cream frosting.
I made
Chocolate trees
Glow angel food cake (made by a box of angel food cake mix & tonic water & green food color) as the shrubs
Sugar cookies decorated with royal icing. the light green I used tonic water instead of water so it glows under blacklight.


This is epic!

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Oh my goodness! This rocks!

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That is so cool!

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Eep! I bring you love!
Mama you brought it. Amazing concept & execution. I love how hard he’s smiling too, happy birthday, kid!


Love this! Thanks for explaining how you made it glow; who knew tonic water had such powers?

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you’re welcome. it is pretty neat. I believe it is the quinine in the tonic water that glows under uv light (not a scientist, just what I read from other not scientists)

a word of warning though; it makes the item a little bitter. The sugar cookie wasn’t too bad because the cookie didn’t have it in & only what was needed to make the icing flow had the tonic water in it. the angel food cake I made was too bitter to eat, so I broke it up & only used a tiny bit as decoration.


Ahahahahaha…I love this!! So interesting about the glow effect!! Awesome all around.

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What an awesome theme for awesome reasons, executed AWESOMELY! Congratulations to your son for conquering his fear and to you for making this cake so glowalicious!

I have been fascinated by the glow qualities of tonic water for years, but never done anything about it. I mean, I use tonic water, but never in the presence of the correct lighting. Thanks for sharing about the effect of the bitterness on the various components, too!


Love the “special effects” you got from the tonic water. Awesome!

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This is the coolest cake ever. EVER!


That’s amazing!!!

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Super cool!

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What a cool way to make the various bits glow! So simple, too! I was afraid you were going to say it was some specialty frosting additive. Good to know about the taste, though, in case I decide to try this.

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Congrats! Your UV Glow Mr. Burns Cake is one of this week’s featured projects. :tada:

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That’s an awesome cake!

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Wow thanks everyone for the lovely comments!

Congratulations! Your project was one of the Best of 2021! Yoooooou ROCK!

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