Van Gogh's Starry Night in thread

I’ve embroidered a version of the starry night before - the one with an exploding Tardis (which is my profile pic)
but this time I just did the starry night scene although the fabric background is tardis themed!

5" hoop
I used 3 strands of thread at once and just started stitching.
I didn’t sketch it out first.


Wow! That is so gorgeous! Your stitches look like brush strokes and the blending of colors is stunning.


Stunning! What a fantastic interpretation of the painting.


Your embroidery is so lovely. I enjoy checking out your stitch layers! Wonderful!

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It is just wonderful

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Absolutely lovely.

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Fabulous! Looks so painty like the orig. Really cool.

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You have me quite liking this type of embroidery…it feels much more intuitive to me…love how you just jump in and blend as you go…it turned out lovely…have you found that impressionist art is most suitable to this type of embroidery?

I love the soft, blurred look of the art and this rendering.

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For me it is because I don’t enjoy embroidering from a pattern and since I’m free-handing it, impressionist art is more forgiving. There’s no such thing as going out of the lines! :rofl:


You’ve really captured the brush strokes and color gradations of his painting style in stitches!


This is so beautifully done! I’m so incredibly impressed with your impressionist embroidery! :heart:

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Just perfect!!! Your eye for texture is amazing.

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You’re like a magician painting with embroidery floss. So beautiful.


I love how this looks! It has so much texture.

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It’s not only beautiful, it looks like it was such a joy to create!


I love the motion of this and you know exactly what your inspiration was. How long does something like this take you? I am guessing a while with all those layers. I especially love the subtle shading in the moon.

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It’s wonderful!

This is beautiful! I’m always impressed by this kind of embroidery.

Congrats! Your Van Gogh’s Starry Night is one of this week’s featured projects. You are amazing!

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Just beautiful! wonderful work!

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