Victorian-Inspired Tie Dye Lampshade

I got a bug up my bottom, as one does with shiny new ideas, and wanted to make a lampshade. I bought some old lamps at a second hand shop and ripped the fabric off to reveal the delightfully-full-of-possibities frame underneath. I found some videos on Youtube for making victorian lampshades, watched a few and then spent two days working on this little gem. I am pretty happy with how it turned out. I learned a bunch and can’t wait to make a dozen more. (It is lined with gold crushed velvet). Also, I did not make the tie dye fabric. I bought it from a fellow artist at my local Saturday Market… I may have bought several pieces… :grin:

Also, my kids had my phone most of the day, playing games, so I missed a lot of progress shots… sorry.


WHOA! You really nailed it on your first try! I can’t wait to see the next dozen!

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But can we just talk about how that pattern worked perfectly into the frames for each panel? Like, how does that even happen? With Tie-dye??

Fun project and really well done. Go you!


Thank you!

Here is one of the artists tie-dyed hankerchiefs, not cut up. I live in hippy town USA (Eugene, OR), so I am lucky enough to have talented tie-dyers (some have been at it 30 to 40 years), right in my back yard. I also love supporting local artists. It’s hard to cut these up but I know where to find him when the market opens back up in the spring. lol


Thank you! I am looking forward to it too. My plan is to sculpt the bases out of clay and then add handmade shades. I just couldn’t wait to share this first piece.


I have been lugging around a couple frames for years (decades?) wanting to learn to recover them “properly” and you’re really tempting me to look into it for reals in the coming year.


This woman’s videos are what I used. User-friendly and really clear. I want to see what you make! :grin:


Wow, amazing! Can’t wait to see your handmade bases, too.

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How fun is this??? You took a classic look and turned it into something totally fresh!

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@Abbeeroad @magpie you HAVE to see this!

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The rainbowy goodness…Incredible!

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Stunning! Love the modernization of an old design.

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That’s a really neat idea!

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How cool! I love the mixture of tie dye with the fringe. When it’s lit, it reminds me of a UFO and a beam coming out of it. What a fun piece!!!

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:laughing: How could I miss that? I love it! lol

great job! I love the beads PLUS fringe at the bottom, a tribute to Victorian excess.

where is this crafty market in Eugene? We plan to be in the area this summer.

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It runs every Saturday from April through early November. It is downtown in the park blocks. Eugene isn’t big, you shouldn’t have too much trouble finding your way. :smiley: What will you be out here for, business or pleasure? :laughing:

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Cool! We’ll be sunbirding in Oregon, escaping the heat of Tucson. We plan mostly to stay near the coast (we’re looking for a rental, if you know of any), but also plan to check out inland areas. We have friends in Salem, too.

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:sparkles: :purple_heart: :cyclone: Congratulations! Your radiant Victorian-Inspired Tie Dye Lampshade is a Featured Project! :cyclone: :purple_heart: :sparkles:

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