So I went NUTS at the thrift store on friday and not only bought about eighty pounds of stained glass (for only $50. It would be at least $300 normally) but I also bought an articulated doll for customizing and… these.
Why? I dunno, some sort of crafting purpose? I just liked how vintage they were and I bought all 3 for a dollar so… not that much of a loss. They’re “Barbara” I guess. So…weird arm placement. And they have lil buttcheeks. At the very least I might just use the heads. Any ideas on a great project for these dudes? Lmao
Honestly, even though they’re ‘Barbara’, the hair and the facial expression give big boy-band vibes to me (particularly k-pop). They’d probably look really cute in little pop star outfits
Arm placement is so they can suck their thumbs! But the thumbs could be built up with sugru or another clay to look like microphones for a boy band set, the angle would get the mike close to the mouth too.
YES! Totes boy band vibes with these creatures! The arm position and kinda twisty body makes them look like they’re doing choreographed dance moves, too.