Wall mounted stuff organizer

There were always odds and ends on the dryer in the laundry room, so I made a cloth organizer to hang on the wall.

Made from sturdy indoor-outdoor fabric I had in stash, it’s a handy place for tools and supplies. Each pocket is 8" deep and half the width of the wall. The hook bar above it holds more stuff.


So handy! (both you and this project :wink:)

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This is so practical! Love it!

Always hard to figure out where certain “stuff” should go…I also want to know where it comes from… :joy:

clever was to keep it all in one place so you can watch it all and prevent more stuff from happening like it does in a junk drawer!

What a fab way to keep things organized…and made from what you had on hand. Nicely done! :slight_smile:

Thanks, all! It’s working, I can actually see the top of the dryer!

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