Welcome to Lettuce Craft Community!

Thank you all for your comments it means a lot to me I can’t wait to have a look at what everyone has made x

Hello, @Jess91 !
Welcome ! Looking forward to see the miniatures :slight_smile:

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Welcome! I love miniatures and can’t wait yo see what you make.

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A warm welcome from me too, @Jess91 !


Thank you everyone x


Hi everyone. I was super active on Craftster until 2016 and my username was AugustBell. I changed my username due to the fact that I clinically died 7 years ago today (was revived in the hospital) and that changed me fundamentally. So it feels insincere to use my old handle. I returned to the site to see about doing what I could to re-join the community and was shocked.
My question is…is there any way to get my data back from that company? My last post was a deeply personal digital drawing that I can’t find anywhere on the topic of death and s—cide. I know that I should have backed up all my stuff, but in my MDD when I posted I never thought of it.
And I’m sorry to my old friend @pottermouth . I can’t find your address but I’m sorry I stiffed you on that last ATC swap. I should have just said “I’m in a mental hospital and I can’t do anything but survive right now” but I didn’t want people to know. I’m sorry I hurt you by not following through.
I hope everyone that I interacted with as AugustBell on Craftster is doing well.


Hi Tay, welcome back, it’s great that you found this place! It sounds like you’ve been through a lot.

I know some people have been able to find stuff from the old site on the Wayback Machine. It can be a little fiddly to search, but I’m sure there are some peeps here who are more tech-savvy than me and can give tips on searching.


Welcome back, I did some digging through Archive.org and found your old profile. You can click on the view posts and topics to get to all of your old posts - View the profile of AugustBell


I can’t help you with your posts from the old site, but I am so happy that you found your way here. You are welcome and you are loved. I hope LC becomes a new home for you, just as it has for so many of us. :heart:


We have all been through a lot these last few years; some more than most! We have lost members in all the ways, and yet, we remain a close knit group that supports and encourages each other.

Welcome back…this is a new start for all of us and hope it is for you as well! Look around, get reacquainted and have fun swapping and making things to show off!


So glad to have you back!!!

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I am so happy you are here with us (in all the ways). Like a few others mentioned, Wayback Machine is how I get all of my old projects & info from Cster these days.

I do have some contacts at the old company, but there’s not much they will do in response to anything these days, so Wayback is the way to go. :heart:


I think I was able to see your drawing by clicking “View topics…” on the link that @photojenn posted above, so that’s probably the easiest way to look for it. Welcome to our new crafty home!


I don’t even know what to say other than OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! I’m not even really sure how I got here… an unfamiliar post showed up on my FaceBook feed and a few clicks later, I’m home again!! I was MunLtStmpr back in the day. Life’s been giving me a lot of gray hairs with more things being in turmoil rather than not. Sadly, I’ve not been keeping up with my creativity and that’s been taking a toll on me enough that I know I need to make some changes. I can’t believe I found this magical group when I most need it.

I’m especially thrilled with seeing so many familiar names! I can’t wait to catch up with everyone. And to start swapping!


Hey! Formerly craftylittlemonkey here. Nice to see you, happy crafting!


Glad you found us!!! Formerly, alwaysinmyroom, just shortened to AIMR…I remember you!!! I feel like we keep trying to find all of the lost sheep out there…


Welcome back!


Huzzah! Glad you found us again!


Welcome home! :heart::heart:


Im glad you found us! Hopefully you find your creativity again too!