What are you knitting?

What?! That’s awesome! Go you!!

That hat is sooo cool. I haven’t even switched yarn/colors yet so can’t comment on difficulty but I hope you try it!!

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It’s a fabulous pattern! Stranded knitting is a bit fiddly, but you are very clever and I’m sure you could have a go at it. I found the main thing to remember was don’t pull the yarn too tight. This pattern could be a good one for when you try two colours - it’s not a huge project and that trees design would be very forgiving of the odd misplaced stitch here and there, I think.

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Thank you for the encouragement :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Yarning too tight is so me. Maybe I should crochet something with regular tension to practice, lol.

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That’s awesome!

As @jemimah said, colorwork can be fiddly. Tension is key. Sometimes, if I feel like I’m getting a little tight, I pull the stitches I’ve just knit to stretch them out so they aren’t all bunched up on the right needle. Then pick up the next color and knit without pulling it tight.

I’m not sure if that makes sense. Basically, take your time, and maybe stretch your stitches out so you’re less likely to pull too tight. You’re such a problem solver, I know you can figure it out.

Also, I know plenty of people do great knitting by just jumping in the deep end and tackling something big. Which is so cool! But I would recommend practicing colorwork before tackling that particular pattern. There are a lot of color changes in there.

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Thank you :blush:. We’re doing a little construction right now but I have a week of vacation time booked in Aug when I hope to get some practice in.

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I love that pattern and its really not a difficult one as its only 2 colors. I do it by holding both colors in the same hand I am a continental right handed knitter so I knit with the right hand hold my yarn in the left and pick and not throw with the right hand.
If you generally have overall good tension in knitting its not too bad, there’s some longer stretches between the colors at the tops of the trees and what I do is twist my yarns at times so I am constantly carrying the unused color through. So if your trees are black and the hat color is white you’ll be knitting with white for say 10 stitches, knit 3 twist black and white together, knit 3 twist black and white together, knit 4 black and white together and then change to black.

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I am starting this cowl to match my fingerless gloves (commence yarn chicken), but boy do I hate the crochet method for provisional cast on. My fingers do not like even this most basic of crochet stitches. Grr…currently googling options that don’t involve a crochet hook.


That’s a lovely looking fabric, good luck!


Setback #2…my fancy circular needle set did not come with a 16" cord. Order and wait or try a different pattern? :thinking:

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Have you tried doing magic loop if your cord is too long? It works in a pinch.

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I did! It will work, but I’m still frustrated with the cast on. I can’t knit the first stitch because it’s not attached to anything, just wrapped around the needle, lol. :woman_shrugging: Oh well. I am exploring alternative patterns…


Restart with a new pattern


Yup I also utilize the technique of abandon and move on too…quite frequently haha.


i clicked it and thought it was nice…and then i looked…its been in my queue since 2017…lolz.

right now i am working on a ball band dishcloth. i like them a wee bit smaller so i cast on 33 st.


Ooh another handsome one!


Hahaha…sounds familiar!

That’s a cool dishcloth pattern. I haven’t seen one like that before. Looks like it cleans well! My aunt makes me more knitted dishcloths than I can use but I’ll have to try my hand at some for variety!


Nice patterns! I have recently started a Timberline cardigan for Mr jemimah.

I think it may be ready in time for winter … winter 2027, that is …


I looove that! Hoping for progress pics so we can cheer you on!


i’m thinking about making myself a new summer tank…just need to decide on a colour. black, grey or green. ha.

*ETA - black. i ordered black yarn, to make another black tank top. all i own are black or green tank tops.


This is awesome! You’ve knit this before? How difficult is it? I’d love to try something like this! Def keep us posted.

PS - can’t go wrong with green or black!

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