What to paint on an oval canvas?

I just got an oval 8x10 canvas and I don’t know what to paint on it. My mom said it could be used for portraits or scenery but I would like to have more ideas on it.

Does any one have an idea on what I could paint on this oval canvas?



Oval feels romantic and old fashioned to me, so something romantic or Victorian. Florals, portraits of people or pets, maybe a house or interior.

On the other hand, it might be nice to create contrast by painting something modern.


That’s a really cool idea, I might try that. I haven’t done flowers before, hmm? :thinking:

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For some reason japanese them jumped into my head:

  1. image
  2. image
  3. image

(Not my art. Picked from a Google search)

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It’s good that you are thinking of proportion and what would be suitable for the shape of your canvas.

I agree with @steiconi that florals would be lovely.

Modern paintings on ovals are also nice…here is an example by Piet Modrian


That’s a really neat idea! Thanks for sharing with me!

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Ooh, a classic shadow silhouette!

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These are round, but you get the idea…


Along the lines of the silhouette, maybe first fill the entire canvas with whatever abstract colorful painting you feel like doing, and THEN paint the silhouette on top – either turning the background or the silhouette itself a solid color and leaving the rest colorful.
(One cheat for silhouettes is to cut a picture of the size you need out of a magazine, or print it off the computer, and stick it to the canvas temporarily with some loops of tape. Then paint over the cut-out shape to cover the whole canvas, and remove the cutout when dry to reveal the solid/empty area it was masking. You can also do this after covering the canvas with a first layer of paint, so that first layer is what shows up when you remove the cutout. Here is a simplified tutorial; I know yours would look a lot nicer than this: https://www.diynetwork.com/how-to/make-and-decorate/crafts/how-to-make-silhouette-canvas-artwork-for-a-child-s-bedroom)

Also, I’m thinking about vines around the edges for an oval shape?


I was think of doing something like that. I think that it would turn out pretty good.

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I like that technique!

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I love this Balzer video using masterboards & masks, it’s brilliant & such gorgeous results.


I’d say a monster, but that’s the only thing I paint, so I’m not a good person to ask! :slight_smile:

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