So today’s clothing share is a festive skirt I actually made before Xmas, but
to be honest I think it would work all year long anyways, just because it has fir trees and snow on it doesn’t mean it has to be for winter eh, pffffft!!
The photos however are from before Xmas so we can all pretend it’s Xmas again eh?? I say that, I break out in a stress-related psoriasis guttate flare-up every year just before Xmas (and this time it’s still going strong!!) so perhaps that’s not the best idea…
Aaaaanyways, so I got this gorgeous border print cotton fabric (by Hoffman fabrics) from Elephant in my Handbag in greeny teal with silver snow fall on.
For a change I didn’t use a pattern, I just made a tube skirt, made a casing at the top for an elastic waistband and hey presto! Well, I say that, obviously I also added pockets because why wouldn’t you?! Pockets are clearly essential in everything.
And then I put it on with a neon jumper, and reindeer antlers… and flip flops…
@TheMistressT Haaaaa, I did indeed lol at that, she’s definitely the director of my photo shoots!
@Cindy Rofl, I can see how you thought that, wow that would have been far too impressive for me, I do cut and dye my own hair, but I’m terrible at doing hair styles!
@Bunny1kenobi It’s so pretty isn’t it, no matter how big your fabric stash there are just some fabrics that HAVE to be bought!
@mellybelly81 Thanks so much, having made it I then really struggled with what to wear with it, but I love to make people wear sunglasses so I’ve only worn it the neon jumper so far!