Winnie the Pooh

I made this for a friend who is a bit obsessed with Winnie the Pooh …

Many, many years ago I had made myself one using the same pattern. I remember struggling how to connect the nose as the instructions aren’t well written. When I came to the nose for this new one, I did some research and found someone who had gone through the entire process complete with photos, which helped, looking at them together now, I must have done something wrong on mine because the shape is quite different …

Just for fun I left them sitting on my hubby’s pillow, where my photo session took place, he got a good laugh when he came home …


Aww! He looks so cuddly! I’m sure he will be cherished.

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Aww, sweet Pooh bears!

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They both look adorable. I love Pooh as well.

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It’s Pooh, really really Pooh. Great and awesome job.

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What a cuddly pooh bear!

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I like how each of these has its individual charm.

Not just anyone could get away with leaving poo(h)s on hubby’s pillow…


Good thing I didn’t have a mouth full of liquid, your comment would have sprayed it everywhere :rofl:

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An excellent likeness!!

How cool there’s detailed info for the nose now. Mr. Road has had that happen with specific car/home repairs. A few years ago he swore there was nothing, now there are multiple resources!

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When we were building our house and came to putting up the trusses, my hubby realized his idea wasn’t going to work with just two of us so I googled ‘how to put up trusses by yourself’, found a great video, watched it and then walked him through the steps, worked perfectly.

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WOOHOO! Your sweet project is one of this week’s Featured Projects! CONGRATS!


What an adorable gift! Lovely work.

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Amazing! It’s so detailed and looks so cuddly.


Thank you, she loved it!

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