Winter Time 2023 Book Swap Gallery!

Yay! Glad you liked!!

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That is a beautiful bookmark @Chr1stchan !

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The bookmark looks great.Is it made out of wood? Kitty perhaps you could add a close up of it


Received!! Love my spooky gift!!! Thank you @kittykill :grin:

Spooky books! Haunted Universal Studios is fitting since I’m in Florida now hehe

Frankensteins monster!!! So cool, putting this in my studio.

Extra goodies!!! (Merry Krampus!)


What a fun package. You were spoiled.
Love the Frankenstien @kittykill. The ripped pages behind him are perfection!

That Frankensteins monster is very cool. Is it a vinyl cut? So unique!


I adore the Frankenstein monster! That’s so cool!


I recieved a lovely pacakge from @Bunny1kenobi today! She sent me the first two MISS PEREGRINE books as well as the world’s tiniest murder board, a teeny desk (with working drawers), and an utterly adorable teeny magnifying glass - all inspired by my love of mystery novels. Plus yummy chocolate!

I had to laugh that we both made miniatures. I also can’t help but feel I’m supposed to solve some clue related to the picture and murder board sent…but am just not that clever :joy:.


That desk and the murderboard is amazing! I could never work in that small of a scale. The drawers opening are the craziest!

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I recieved from the ever sweet and talented @curiousfae ! She made me a small blanket to wrap around me while i read. I love blankets by the way. This might be my new work one. She made it in the colors of a calico type cat. My little Yeti Pegleg would blend right in! Its absolutely purrfect!

She also sent along some local chocolate! Im trying to behave until Christmas, and then i am devouring these! They look so good!

We al sent each other ebooks. She sent me three.

None of this is True by Lisa Jewell
Land of Tea and Ravens by RK Ryals
Sleigh Spells by Bella Falls.

I cant wait to start reading them. My vacation starts next week. And I am going to snuggle with the blanket and enjoy a good story!

While i was writing this my other kitty tried to claim the blanket. Here is a pic of Lil’ Tipsy on it. She has CH and she was very proud that she made it on the couch to see it by herself.


Turn that blanket the other way up. Those stitches look like CATS!


Oh my goodness! It does!


What a beautiful blanket and so fun!


My parcel from @kittykill arrived in New York at my sons residence.
He made me some pictures of the contents which is at least overwhelming.
My favorite is the crafting book

A bird on/in a shell: so nicely crafted

A napkin/tablecloth, embroidered with a book time. I do love this

socks to keep my feet warm :slight_smile:

And : sit down before you look…
A enormous amount of eatable goodies in a storage box with a Santa painted on it

Those toes were no part of the present but i think he wanted a part of himself on the pictures :slight_smile:
The food will stay in NY and the young couple can enjoy that. The other parts , i’ll have them when i visit him.


the miniatures are gorgeous


Wow! @kittykill, you made spectacular swap packages for your partners. That shell is exquisite. The gold around the edge elevates its charm. I am a huge fan of your embroidery. That book one is particularly cool because - books. Lovely work. And what a prize for your son to be able to eat all that scrumptious candy for opening and taking wonderful pictures of it all!

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That crafting book looks intriguing! Love the delicate shell and tea towel. Such a lovely package, @kittykill!


No mystery to be solved with the murder board… it’s just meant to look cool. I considered trying to do some sort of solvable mystery thing…. But I’m not that clever, either. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Glad you like your package @Tapestry! It was a true learning experience for me. I love miniatures so I’m glad we swapped some! :heart:

@gozer great package! That blanket is very you, especially since the stitches look like cats! And Tipsy is adorable. I can picture her trying to get on the sofa to check it out. She’s such a funny little thing!

And that embroidery @kittykill always picks the coolest patterns. Frankie is perfect! I guarantee that piece is a hit at Christian’s house. The treat box idea is an inspiration. Totally gonna copy that at some point!


Just catching up on this great gallery….

@Bunny1kenobi What a fun miniature scene! The board is amazing. So detailed. How did you make the magnifying glass? What a creative idea.

@kittykill ypur embroidered pieces are always fantastic and colorful. Lovely work and awesome idea to send goodies.

I’m glad you like the blanket @gozer! And can use it at work.
Good eye @magpie. The stitch patterns are kitties! I was trying to get yarn in fur like colors/patterns to represent each of her fur babies. I’m so happy Tipsy approves. That’s the best compliment!

All the books look fun and interesting. That craft book cover is a piece of art in its own.

I recd from @gozer this weekend.
She knows me so well!
First she made this beautiful card bag from the most awesome fabric. I love the leathery feel of the bottom too. Great craftsmanship .She even included a neat set of cards that are holographic! Great addition to my collection.

And look here…. A wee froggie furnished with two tiny (I don’t believe it when you say you can’t work in miniatures) herbal books.
They are very detailed with beautiful pictures of each herb and description.

Here she is sitting back on her favorite rock reading about all the foraging she’s gonna do for the holidays.
(Background artwork by @alteredmommy )

Can’t forget to mention all the yummies! I plan to samples all these today. What a treat!

She also sent two ebooks

I’ve already started both and I am finding Gorey’s life to be just as fabulous and fascinating as his artwork.
And the short stories are right in my wheelhouse. I really love being able to read a good tale in a sitting or before bed. And these are good ones: quirky and funny.
Thank you Gozer and Kitty. This was so fun.


@kittykill That shell with the bird is amazing! How big is it? Is it pained? Wow!