We have a beautiful snowscape and freezing weather in the Northeast right now. And I love the sun and blue shadows of winter. But…I also can’t wait for spring. It’s a long way off and the crocus bravely popping up their blossoms in late winter is the best. I have to wait, and during a boring meeting played with some new colored pencils.
So pretty! It is winter for real right now here, too.
Beautiful! I like how you see winter out your window but your art will remind you that spring is (one day) coming.
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Gorgeous! I love how you’ve created depth with different colours
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Beautiful work!
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How pretty! You did such a great job blending the colors in the petals.
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Congratulations! Your project is SNOW wonderful, it’s featured this week!
Thank you. Now, can spring hurry up?
Lovely! You have me longing for spring.
A beautiful reminder that warmth is coming.
This is the most graceful crocus I think I’ve ever seen. Lovely!
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Beautiful. Today it’s 74 degrees and 46 degrees tomorrow. I don’t know what season I’m in.