Wonderful Mistake of Nature Embroidery

WHHHHHAAAAAAAAhhhh - zero pattern and direct fabric sketching is Magician Level aight! and a 10" hoop is impressive! Your friend is lucky, indeed! The mixed media is well placed and not over used. \m/

also, THREE CHEERS FOR WIRT AND CO! I had always passed this show up as it didn’t appear appealing, but it is such a charming little story, and each tale was more unexpected than the previous. This has instantly become a fav of mine!

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Thank you so much, everyone!! I’m a very novice embroiderer, but I’ve been a painter for most of my life… I think the two mesh pretty well. :slight_smile:

@PhoenixWolf It’s in Episode 10 “The Unknown”.

@mellybelly81 I hope you do and will share when you’re done! I’d love to see them.

@JoyfulClover Ahhhh!! This whole comment just made my day!! :smiley: The friend I made this for is the same friend who pestered me until I finally say down and watched the show… and I love it so, so much!


you winged that??? Holy hot dog! You are a great friend

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I did and I try to be so thank you! :kissing_heart:

Daaaang! That’s gorgeous.

That so so amazing! I love it. The full stitch is perfection.

The Royal School of Needlework Book of Embroidery is a very good reference for this type of embroidery. It’s a beautiful and informative book.