Wooden Arch

Final Update

Tomorrow I’ll take it apart and bring it home to fix the errors. Then take it to their house and put it together for the last time, heh.

I really like how the gourd claws look, along with the Russian olive plaques.


The next one looks good, though, I only have the front finished.

End update: Old version below.

Hoo boy! my spine ain’t happy, heh. I think my niece will like it. I still have some to do, though. Because there’s only one joint connected at the top, it is a little flimsy. So I need to figure out what to do about that.

Anyway, sorry for the over grown yard and all. I just haven’t had the strength to deal with it this year.

I’d have liked to have made both sides the same, but I was tired. So I said nah, heh.

Anyway, now having four points to connect to it should be a lot more stable, and (fingers crossed), there will be no more problems.


That looks really cool! What a lovely, whimsical and organic backdrop for a ceremony. Are you still planning on weaving vines through it?

I’m hoping I get lucky and I can get a bunch of vines about this size, but I’ll work with what I can get, heh.


Ooo and afterward you can grow some vine plants on it. I miss my arch at my old house, even if it was plastic. By the time we left, it was covered in flowers and the bees and hummingbirds and even those hummingbird moths loved it.


:roll_eyes: You know, I had no idea what I was going to do with it after I was done…I have the perfect spot, :rofl:. By my bamboo…Which, ironically, has a Virginia creeper growing along side them…Would be neat to see the bamboo growing around it with the creeper growing up onto it…:thinking: Yep…That’s what I’ll do, heh.


It’s looking great so far! Can’t wait to see what else you add. You really managed to find branches that were similar in shape for the side pieces. Very cool!

This is stunning! Both sturdy and light!

:cry: quote=“TheMistressT, post:7, topic:24977”]
Both sturdy and light!

Not too sturdy…:cry: it fell over while I was resting. I have at least one idea how to fix it, but man, (begging my body) “Please let me wake up not hurting like today, tomorrow. Please? Pretty please, with ice cream on top”. Aaaaand I just jinxed it. :frowning_face: . I still have a month. There’s time. Yeesh!

To be honest, though, I knew as I was working on the top, I was putting the pegs way too close to the ends of the branch. But I really had no choice. So the only thing it did was to force me to do what I should have done in the first place. I wouldn’t have been able to work on it appropriately today, anyway. So nothing is really lost.


Maybe I should’ve said “chunky”! I do hope that the fix is easy to figure out and to execute for you!

This is gorgeous!!!

Wow, that’s looking really great! Excited to see how it turns out!


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Ok! redoing the sides.

Another method I’m trying. I am using a long piece of old trim and setting it level with the lower board. Then, using two clamps, and placing them in such a way that the branch will butt up against them, so I don’t have to constantly measure, and manipulate them as I’m affixing the joining branches.

also, I’m doing something stupid and cutting some corners, and am affixing the joining branches on the outside of the legs…without glue. they should hold, though. as the top will be more stable, and I will put far more joining boards between the legs…I hope. still in too much pain, heh!

There we go. much much better.


:hammer: :carpentry_saw: :deciduous_tree: Congratulations! Your wonderful Wooden Arch is a Featured Project this week! :deciduous_tree: :carpentry_saw: :hammer:

You can’t hear it, but I’m bawling quite loudly internally. Going to have to put it together on the ground, as it’s just too big for the sawhorse table. Oh Pooh!


ok! I am done.

Now, my niece did want to move it as one unit, well, I talked her out of that, heh. However, she does want to keep it, so I’ll go over to her place and make it as one piece instead of three pieces that are bolted together.

This is the temporary attachments. When I make it as one piece after the wedding, these will be changed by removing the allthread and hammering in pegs in place of them. Then I’ll place an angled branch behind these two branches for extra strength.

I just don’t feel too comfortable moving it as one piece. the branches are quite heavy, and granted, I am the only one who is in a lot of pain so I may not be a good judge on what can be done. I just don’t feel it’s worth chancing it for a few minutes more time during setup.


Gorgeous! I love the rustic look of it. What a treasure!

It looks absolutely stunning! It will look beautiful during the ceremony. Such a rustic, natural look. I wouldn’t want to move it in one piece either though. It looks heavy and fragile at the same time.

That is really cool, what a fantastic project!

Fantastic arch. My star jasmine is jealous😍