I’m having a big tidy up and assessing all of the WIPs and projects planned I currently have in my studio, and I have to say…there are a lot!
I came across a bag of my old (oversized ) flannel pyjamas that I have been saving for something. And yesterday (Jan 1) was the day!
While watching (and singing and dancing) to Sister Act I cut the pants into 10 inch squares, which was the width of the smallest part of the leg measurement. It took 3 pairs of pants to get 18 sets of 10inch squares.
It was actually super simple to make as you just cut them wrong sides together as that’s how you join them together. Going against all of my quilting instincts you actually sew the rag quilt with the wrong sides together. I had to unpick a couple of seams along the way because of this
Once it’s all pieced together using 1/2 inch seams, you stitch all the way around the outside with a 1/2 inch seam. Next you snip every seam at about 1/2 inch intervals.
Last you run it through the washing machine and dryer with a bunch of tennis balls to help rough it up - apparently you can also use a pair of runners but since my partner is a tennis coach, there are pleeeenty of balls rolling around my house.
This was a super chilled out project which I was so glad to knock out. Because of the raggy-ness there’s lots of forgiveness and it was very easy to make. The most time consuming part was the snipping. The rest of the pyjamas I cut up into large rags for cleaning the car, etc. I also snipped off the buttons and saved them - hardly any waste!
They each measure 27 inches square
Close up of the seams on top
Richie loving his new blanket
And one for Hound Dog too
He already dirtied it from his paws
And this is what the back of the quilt looks like