2021 DeStash-Along

A couple hours later, a lady from a local group that crochets/knits for charity asked if I had any left. I asked if they were interested in partial skeins. She said yes, so I destashed almost all of the rest of my acrylic yarn.

My grandma passed away today. When she was in good health, she was an avid and generous knitter. Giving away all that yarn feels like the absolute right thing to do this weekend.


I’m sorry to hear about your grandma. What a kind and generous gift to share all that yarn - and it’s gone to people it will make a difference for. A perfect way to honour her.


I’m so sorry about your grandma, @tendstowardschaos and so glad for you that you found a lovely way to honor her life by donating her yarn to a good cause. I’m sure she’s proud of the generous and creative woman you are! And also so nice to offer up all of those full skeins to your buy-nothing group! Sometimes is feels so much better to give to someone who really wants what you have than to hold onto or even sell things.


Thanks, guys.

I have no idea if I’d ever get around to using that yarn. I bought it on sale for projects that I changed my mind about. It’s better that someone uses it than it sits in my house, taking up space (and causing me anxiety, trying to figure out what to do with it). I’m trying to remove the ‘clutter’ from my life, it’s a slow process, but, yes, it’s so much easier to give it away.


I’m so sorry for your loss.

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Hi guys,
I’ve been slowly working on stuff but woefully neglectful of posting it here. Sorry!
In the spirit of the give-it-away option of the challenge this month I wanted to share this link for @Magpie’s LC swap meet going on. Be warned, you may find your stash growing as much as diminishing if you go looking!
Happy crafting!

Edit to add: it’s a great starting place if you have a WiP that just needs that one little bit of something to get finished. People are happy to send a few yards of this, a couple of pieces of that, go digging for a matching button for you, share out hobby supplies that they no longer need and maybe you just want to try your hand at something nee but not break the bank before you know you enjoy it, and the like.
It’s like being in a big craft room and asking the next table over if they have a green marker cuz yours just ran out and you just need to finish inking in that last little bit of your Happy Mail card.


I made a box card, envelope, and 2 gift packages all from stash! WOO!


How great that you had so many butterfly themed things in your stash!


That’s so beautiful!

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@AIMR I think I’ve been gravitating toward butterfly and moth imagery lately!

Another all stash paper project… YEY! A gift box.


Pretty, the box is a gift in itself.


Happy Birthday, @Trillian!!

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I went through most of my yarn stash and have given away a lot of it, including the novelty and art yarns…I decided to make a couple more washcloths with the cotton dishcloth yarn before giving it away…I have plenty of dishcloths and just got tired of the same old yarn…from now on, I will buy smaller amounts and not those big old balls that are always on sale!

I made loops for them to hang them by the sink.

I am also destashing my jewelry and beads…I made a few bracelets and realized how small a dent they made…


The loop is a good idea. I think I’ll steal that. :laughing:

I am waiting for yet another hobbii delivery- I went in needing a long circular needle then had to be a responsible adult and unclick all the beautiful yarns I was “collecting” in my cart as I went. lol (well, all but 2!)


I kind of started panicking when I realized that Mother’s Day was the 9th this year (in the US)! Both my mom’s 75th and our niece’s 16th birthdays were on Thursday and a dear friends is this next Thursday, so I was focused on getting all those things out! Not to mention TheMisterT’s birthday in a couple weeks. ANYWAY… luckily, I already had some earrings for her AND I had everything in stash to make this little pillow box and insert.



May Themes

Pom pom gift tags by Emily Orpin, on Flickr

Color: Purple
Pattern: Numbers and letters.
For: Teachers, educators, etc.
Challenge: Mass produce something. It doesn’t matter what it is, just make a lot of it. If nothing else, they make good “gifts on hand.”


I may just be about done with my Operation Use Up Yarn. My art teacher friend and I were working on building her end of year requisition for next school year, and she was going to purchase some more yarn for a weaving project. I thought she had enough yarn, so I never said anything to her about my stash. I mentioned it today and she said she’d love it! What I have left fits into a Walmart plastic bag. I’m going to show it to her tomorrow, and see how much she wants. This saves me from feeling like I need to make so many more things! I kept back just a few bits that I was working with and one that was hand dyed that I just can’t donate to elementary students, but otherwise, if she takes it all, it’s just about gone!


@Lynx That’s wonderful news! It’s so nice to give away supplies when the receiver has a very specific project in mind - then you know they will get used instead of just languishing in someone else’s stash. I would also hold back the hand-dyed yarn if it was me. We love helping the kiddies and all, but they wouldn’t know how special it was.

I just gave away around 12 yards of fabric to a friend of a friend for their quilting guild’s charity projects. There was some neat stuff in there, but I finally admitted to myself that I work best with small cuts of fabric and find yardage intimidating. This was all stuff left over from my great-aunt’s stash, so not stuff I probably would have chosen for myself anyway.


Wow @Lynx, that’s awesome! you’re an inspiration!

That’s so true @Trillian - it’s a wonderful feeling when you can rehome stash with someone who will use and appreciate it :grinning:

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I managed to get rid of a bunch of acrylic yarn last year because my Mum’s friend was crocheting a Granny blanket for my Bro. It was so nice to just pass them on to someone that needed them for a project.