2023 DeStash-Along

I got rid of most of my blue cotton yarn!

I managed to get four matching ones in the size I wanted…but, I had to frog the first one I did to achieve this…here they are and what is leftover for my scrap yarn bin!




Nice design, the gold and blue work well.

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Thank you. It’s actually lime green…I wanted something to brighten up the denim blue. These will be used outdoors.

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Those look great! love the pop of color for interest.

I finally knit up a lacy summer top using a bunch of scrap fingering weight yarns that I overdyed black. Funny, I thought the yarns achieved a pretty close tone so you wouldn’t really notice that there’s definitely different yarns, but once I was done and held it up to some actual sun light…uh…yeah you can tell LOL. I don’t think I care though. It’s all generally dark so :woman_shrugging:


The urge to pick up bookbinding again is super strong this month for some reason. I’m just hoping I have enough decade-old leftover supplies in stash to scratch this itch before I do something rash.


Recycling works great! Brown paper bags are my fave.

I’m doing a bookbinding course online…mostly to learn how to do more complex binding stitches…but, I have challenged myself to use only what I have on hand…

So, I am cutting up an old, unused handbag for a cover and making paper fabric over cardboard…I just hope I have enough waxed cord or at least a candle and some spare spools of perle cotton!

You can do it!


Unscented dental floss can also work in a pinch. I’ve also used wax on crochet thread when I wanted colors. (Don’t try it with embroidery floss - it’s not worth it)

I did a lot of bookbinding back in the day but haven’t really touched it since around 2010, 2012 (?)

And what course are you taking? I’m mostly interested in case binding, but I could use a general refresher.


I have loads of dental floss left over from my stockpile during the pandemic!! Thanks for that!

I am taking the handmade book club little library 5 day challenge…it is free to me because I am a member, but I think there might be a special on it…it came into my FB feed…


$15 for the random googler; not too bad. (But I am sad that it’s 5 days but only 3 books!)


Hmmm, used up a skein and a half for a shawl… had to buy another skein to finish it :upside_down_face: at least I should be down to less than a skein net.


I am also making a shawl and so far, it looks like I might have to buy more as well…it might turn out to be a neck scarf instead… :grin:


I’m still making crochet baskets. I’m down to a lot of acrylic, having used up most of my “I think it’s wool or a wool blend” yarn. And of course into brighter colors. I am not liking the green and yellow basket that is 3/4 done, but someone will…I hope.

A Tisket A Tasket

A-tisket a-tasket
A green and yellow basket
I wrote a letter to my love
And on the way I dropped it

I dropped it, I dropped it
Yes, on the way I dropped it
A little girlie picked it up
And took it to the market

She was truckin’ on down the avenue
Without a single thing to do
She was peck, peck, peckin’ all around
When she spied it on the ground

A-tisket a-tasket
She took my yellow basket
And if she doesn’t bring it back
I think that I shall die

A-tisket a-tasket
A green and yellow basket
I wrote a letter to my love
And on the way I dropped it

I dropped it, I dropped it
Yes, on the way I dropped it
A little girlie picked it up
And took it to the market

(Was it red?) No, no, no, no
(Was it brown?) No, no, no, no
(Was it blue?) No, no, no, no
Just a little yellow basket


Yeah I’m questioning the wisdom of making something I wasn’t sure I had enough yarn for, but the yarn was too nice (malabrigo) to not use.


Indeed! You can’t let malabrigo languish.


Well, on the bright side I found my stash of bookboard and binding tools. On the less than bright side I don’t seem to have held on to any book cloth and I can’t see my craft room floor…


I watched a video of a bookbinder fusing tissue to fabric as diy book cloth… just sayin’ :wink:


I’ve used lightweight fusible interfacing on quilting cotton. As long as you don’t use too much glue, it comes out nicely.

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Looking for tutorials now! The method I learned for diy book cloth involved wheat paste, tissue paper, and an old window, two of which I don’t have. There must be a better way out there.

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