2024 DeStash Along

I am making a hat because I saw it in my FB feed and became obsessed with the technique. I have no need for yet another hat…but, this Saturday is my Knitting Guild meeting so I can take it to donate…and, it uses up some stash acrylic yarn!


Finished my neon hat last night. Now it’s blocking. It looks so weird, but I hope it fits and sits better on my head this time.

I tried it on of course, but it still feels like it wants to slip off. I hope the blocking alleviates that.

And finished my cardi finally! 2/3 was from stash the other 1/3 I had to buy to supplement the colors I was running out of.


Look at you go!!

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Both look fabulous, especially the cardigan!

You could use a crochet hook and slip stitch around the bottom…when folded up, it might also tighten it a bit. I often have to single crochet or slip stitch hats I knit because they feel too big, even though I don’t think they really are.


That’s a brilliant idea! I did that once for a sweater neckline that ended up too loose - I don’t know why I didn’t think to try that with a hat. Thankfully, I just tried it on, post-blocking, and it’s fitting a lot better!


Finished my first WIP of the year!


The creative reuse center isn’t accepting donations this week so the bags have been taunting me to take stuff out of them. So far I’ve resisted but I’m struggling.


I have an overnight guest coming on Monday. That means clearing enough space in my studio to set up the bed, then reassembling the studio.

What a great opportunity!

I plan to discover what is in all those boxes under the tables.
For that matter, why are my tables always covered in storage containers? Buttons, beads, rhinestones, rocks, mosaic bits…

Maybe it’s time to get rid of all the bits for dollhouse minis, resin work, upholstery fabric, the huge collection of cute boxes, rarely used scrapbook papers, and whatever else is stuffed down there.

And do I really need all those buttons and beads? Maybe get rid of some, and find a way to store the rest that doesn’t block table surface.

Hmmm, if I got rid of some fabric, I could free up storage space on that side of the room.

I have done this (many times) before, but left the culled items where I could change my mind, instead of moving them along. Gotta get rid of it!


I participated in the Wee House craftalong on the old place. I finally gave away the houses and miniatures as well as supplies to a woman who was getting into it with her daughter. Not once did I look back and wish I had kept it. It took up space and was something I enjoyed at the time, but not enough to keep going.

I am definitely assessing other crafts as well and deciding which crafts I love and also which ones I will be able to continue as I get older and have more limitations of time, space and physical ability.


That’s a great attitude to take!

@AIMR I am also trying to come to grips with crafts that I will not do again. I used to make jewelry, but since Covid, I have barely worn any and had enough anyway. I don’t need the tub of supplies. I used to love the shrines people made but wasn’t good at them. Let it go, move on to things I am good at, and improve upon them. It’s hard to give up hope and ideas, but I need to do it to grow.


Yeah, I did miniatures for nearly 30 years, and suddenly realized it wasn’t interesting any more. I should take the goodies to the mini museum for their fundraiser in march. It’s good to have a deadline.


I want to rid myself of most of my jewelry supplies. I have hardly done any at all. I just want to make a couple of things and then I need to get rid of the stuff that can’t be used in other crafts. What it really boils down to is that I can’t make the kind of jewelry that I prefer - at least now with any of the supplies that I have. And I don’t want to get into metal smithing!


LOL! That’s pretty much how I feel about the supplies I have too.

My aunt asked if I wanted to try leather crafting with her, and I had to say no. I don’t like leather, but I also don’t want to learn another craft that I will need supplies. I need to use what I have right now before I get into anything new.


That is the worst! I also am driving around with a bag of donations in my trunk because my usual thrift store isn’t accepting new items.


I think thrift stores are like gyms: in January, many people do resolutions like cleaning, decluttering, etc. It will die down by February… :laughing:


Before I scrolled down, I was about to suggest putting them in the trunk of the car. That has worked for me.


My car frequently serves as a mobile storage unit. It’s not great…


If I just put it in the car, my husband might go through it and decide I’m getting rid of stuff he loves. Better to move it from studio to thrift store in one fell swoop.

I emailed the mini museum about donating for their rummage sale.


I’m really trying to refine and grow in the crafts I already do or have done lately. I have wanted to try a class locally, but what I find offered are things that don’t accomplish that. Sigh.


Oooo, I like this quite a bit. It sounds better than, for myself that “I got lazier as I got older.”
I would have quit with the reusable fabric bags because it wasn’t lining up right and I didn’t cut it just so, yada yada yada, but I decided it didn’t matter and went along with it. Yeah, maybe my back hurt from bending over to cut the dang fabric and I eyeballed it, but like… people were impressed with it anyway that I took time out of my day to make something.