2024 DeStash Along

Nice scrap usage, I like “franken-insulbrite” :laughing:
I find projects like this simultaneously act as a relief to use up something finally, and confirmation to keep every little bit of something for ‘someday’, haha.



I feel seen. :wink:


Oh that is so true! I absolutely needed a tiny scrap of bias binding yesterday, that I probably “should have” thrown out in my clear out It is really hard to get that balance right!!


A short piece of 1" elastic that I “should have” thrown out was exactly what I needed for this project. All the pieces of Insulbrite that I frankened together might’ve been tossed by a tidier person, too. :wink:

FreezerTopTrivet02 FreezerTopTrivet04

This one has franken batting that took care of about 1/3 of the batting scraps! And about half of a short piece of double fold bias tape that was probably too short to keep.


Both projects have already been put to their designated uses and are all from stash. WOO!


Nice! I’d seen that project but hadn’t noticed the little piece of elastic.

I often wish I was a tidier person, until I find that one little thing that I only need a little bit of, and then I’m glad I’m not really that tidy :wink:

I finished sewing a sweater today and instead of putting the scraps back into the stash bin, I cut out another pattern! It’s a short skirt and I adapted the pattern a little bit to make it fit. I suppose avoiding fabric to become stash also counts as destashing! :laughing:

I also started making some cards for Easter, and that’s all from stash too.


It’s not much, but here’s my “half an hour better” project for the week: organizing my stationery cart.

I’ll still need to go back and weed at some point - this was mostly about tidying and putting loose items back where they belong.


Actually I’m pretty impressed with the state of that cart. I’ve never been able to successfully utilize one of those. I love the look of them & they seem so useful but omg the mess I make.


Absolutely there are “points” for not letting materials become stash!


I recently moved mine to the attic. Maybe when I’m not sharing a craft space with little ones I’ll bring it down and try again.

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The only reason I’ve managed to get the cart to work for me is a myriad of little boxes on the top two trays so I can store things vertically and flip through them at will.


My husband uses my cart for his ethnic cooking spices and sauces. He loves that he can wheel the whole cart over to the wok while he is cooking and grab the various spices, oils, and whatever.

He uses the other two trays for ingredients like dried mushrooms, noodles, packets…I am so glad someone in our family is less messy than me!


I’m just packing up a swap package and I think most of it was from stash, except one fat quarter and one zipper. So that’s pretty good for me.

I do need to tackle some of the WIPs. When I sorted out the sewing room, I put all the WIPs in one place. It was a bit scary to see how many there are!!


I need to acknowledge my “apocalypse keeps.” It’s not at hoarding levels so i can’t call it the more dramatic “apocalypse hoarding” but they are definitely contributing to my house’s quantity of stuff. Specifically right now I’m tackling the knitting/crochet reference and pattern books that I keep not- donating because “this would be really helpful if we didn’t have the internet.”
When in the world might I be in such a predicament and if I should find myself in a walking dead situation am I really going to be knitting the zombies some socks??

I blame the importance a set of encyclopedias had during my formative years.


I am struggling as I am packing with the same thing…I also want to keep all the patterns I printed out in case I don’t have access on my internet sites, etc.

The truth is, I rarely make most things twice…I am going to let myself have 10 patterns of things I really love to knit and crochet…if we lose the internet, yeah…there are other things to deal with than knitting!!!


I have a big binder of printouts. Will I make them again (or at all?)? Probably not, but maybe. I’ve got space for the binder, though, so I’m allowing it. But if it fills then I’ll have to remove something to add something. The ol’ “one in, one out” rule.

But the proper books could have a good life with someone else. I am being honest about them and so far 3 have been put in the donate box.


I am going through my books today…usually, there is one or two patterns in each book…so, I am going to (illegally?) copy those before taking them to my knitting guild.

We have a table of donated supplies and books that members can take and whatever is not taken, is then donated by the group to various places. We have four women in our guild that take care of that, which is a big thing for me.

It is crunch time for me to do the Swedish death cleaning method!!! I will be 70 in a few days, so that is some of my motivation (plus moving!).


The Knitting Dead


lol @steiconi I’d watch that :smile_cat:

Good points! I don’t think I’ve really focussed on this much previously, but I think I should be more intentional about having a limit for each category. I fitted all my fabric in one chest of drawers, and I am committed to not letting it expand beyond that. I need to do the same for all my art supply categories next!


The Container Method strikes again!


Can you tell me more about that method? I am trying to destash papers…I have a separate bin for each type of paper, even if it only has a few sheets in it…there has to be a better and more compact way…the plastic bins take up way too much room…

I guess I also do that with fabrics…only by colors and types of fabrics…I have over 30 bins…I can’t move them all…how does this method work?