2024 DeStash Along

@Townie Lovely! Especially the red and white fabric. And thanks for the tip about using jasmine rice. My rice warmer (basically just a sock full of rice with a knot tied in the end) always had a strange toasty smell.

@AntBee - I find her two decluttering questions really useful, although I sometimes have trouble applying her whole system when I’m trying to tackle a space larger than a cupboard or closet. But the “where would I look for this item first?” is perfect.



Fabric button embellished yellow flower by GlitterandFrills, on Flickr
Color: Yellow
Pattern: Floral
For: A Charity
Challenge 1: Mend, fix, or recycle something.
Challenge 2: Spend some time prepping a supply so that it is easier to use (cut it down to a specific size, sort it into colors, etc.)


Hah, this is brilliant. On my soon to-do list is to extend the length of my scrappy knit sweater as it turned out a bit shorter than I’d prefer.


Oh nice! And if it’s scrappy you don’t have to worry about yarn match on the extended areas.


I have a crochet cardigan that is too short as well…I saw a tutorial to add a ribbing at the bottom to match the front ribbing…I just hope I have enough matching yarn in my stash as it is not a scrappy cardigan!


This sampler was a long time WIP and now it’s done!


It’s gorgeous!

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That’s a lot of work!

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Wow! Impressive finish!

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I started this in winter 2020/21 in the middle of lockdown and on furlough for months. I’ve stitched alphabet samplers before and I honestly enjoyed those more than all these borders. But the pattern, fabric and yarn were all from stash and that’s why I started it.


Wow!! It’s beautiful, I think classic red and white looks so elegant, I really love those old motifs.

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I covered my kitchen windowsill with 4-year old contact paper purchased for a project that only used about 4"x4".out of an 18" x 3 foot roll.
Still enough leftovers to do both projects twice more.


Made this tea wallet yesterday from 100% stash!


Isn’t it great when you have a need and can make it yourself? A customized tea wallet…very nice!

@Immaculata I also love the red and white classic cross stitch patterns. You did a beautiful job on it.

I would want to make that into an apron to wear…it is just too beautiful not to see daily! (A hostess apron, not a cooking one…or even a beautiful boho type blouse?)


Maybe the back of a black leather sewing jacket, the one with spikes and chains and built in pin cushion…


My college-aged nephew started crocheting. Me, thinking I’m being clever, ordered him a good project bag and thought, like wallets and purses, it would be bad luck to gift it empty. So I’m looking at the yarn cabinet to see what might be suitable to pass along.

Nothing is quite right, of course!

Dear Stash,
you’re killing me.
Resigned to Hoard


A far-away friend came to our bash yesterday so I gave her a sack full of yarn for her daughter who knits & another sack full of all the big glass beads in my stash, woo hoo!


Oh stash, how we love you.

My DW needed a cover for her circular knitting machine to keep the kittens off of it. So stash to the rescue.


Nice! Kittens do love string and yarn…mine wants to chew on my thread holder so I am going to have to make some sort of cover for it…love that you used a piece of patchwork…pretty and functional is always good!

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My two furballs have zero interest in my embroidery threads, i was surprised to discover. Regardless, I am very strict about keeping all craft supplies out of their reach while crafting & then also securely stored, but sometimes they want to cuddle with me, or watch over me, while I stitch. I am so paranoid about pins & needles and the cats!