2024 DeStash Along

They are so tiny and cute!

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…how?? :flushed:


She’s almost 17 & over the past couple years has given away most of her childhood collections. She prefers white furniture to wood & she’s pretty tidy.

Those are not her liquor bottles over the window, lol. She likes pretty glass so I chose interesting vodka & gin samplers to try during the pandemic.


Her room looks very serene! None of my nieces or nephews wanted any of the antique furniture I had, so I basically gave it all away. I kept a mirror and a dry sink.

I think that cabinet would be a nice addition to any crafting room for supplies or for display. Great that it is going to a good home!




it’s beeeeuuuuutifullllll :star_struck: :star_struck:



I’ve done a little destashing over the last several days - a skirt and a blouse all from stash. The only thing i had to buy was a zipper for the skirt, and I actually managed to do that without buying any new fabric (not entirely easy!)


I had a nice night at a neighbour’s place, she holds a community crafting circle. Lots of lovely ladies with various projects going on. They were THRILLED with my big box of random weaving things and all went home with something from the stash. One of them came by last night too, for a very cool old lamp I’ve been wanting to rehome. I’ve done more destashing of large stuff this past month than ever before. It’s amazing how much space there is cleared, and yet, I’m still swimming in excess, lol. To that, I’ve had a shift in perspective:

As I get older, rather than getting better and better in crafting skill, I am actually experiencing a dénouement. How odd. But I think that may be the same for my intellect, I certainly do not feel as sharp as in my youth. My vision, hearing, sense of smell, energy, strength, and mental acuity are … softening, let’s say. As well as my drive to produce works, or to work for extended lengths of time.

I’m not upset about this, it’s a phase of life like any other. I’m more interested in the observation than anything. And I believe that acknowledging and accepting it is key to bringing the level of enjoyment back up for me personally, as it’s felt like more of a struggle than anything else in recent times.

So, what does a re-imagining of this mean for me? I’ll have to think on it some more. I know for sure tight crochet is OUT, my hands can’t take it. So no more amis for me, ever. maybe looser stitching will be ok but if not, someone will be happy to have my tools.
Beading is just too small now, as is most embroidery. I’m not sure about bookmaking anymore. Macrame, spinning, weaving, pottery, baking… these are all out and the supplies for them are going to go.

That leaves sewing, my first love and the thing I enjoy the most. So… all other supplies are being destashed at an ever greater rate. My vintage sewing machines are on the list to say goodbye to next, I’ll only keep the ones I use.

And then it will be the fabrics. I’m only going to keep what I really love. Of course scraps are excluded from this equation though because, come on now, I’m still me, lol.


Wonderful introspection for one still young(er)!

The journey never ends until we do. This phase applies to so many facets of our lives. I no longer need or want a huge home, partially because it is too much to care for and attachment to a home is no longer anything I desire. I work when I want to work at my own pace, but once it starts cramping my time with family and friends or travel, that too, will go by the wayside.

Like you, I have honed in on sewing, my first love…but I also enjoy knitting and stitching. I thought I was going to enjoy painting and mixed media work more, but I just don’t have the energy to pursue it except for an occasional painting. I managed to destash a lot of paper, oil paints, fancy scissors, etc. in this area.

So glad you had a good time with fellow crafters in your area! How fortunate they are to have someone like you pass on your supplies. They will live on in the crafts they enjoy doing!

I seriously think that I want my coffin lined in scraps…I will never give those up! ha


Destashed some dark brown/black mystery yarn…pretty sure it was some sort of acrylic (it was priced at 99 cents a skein from Ollie’s). Not nice enough for socks. I was going to give it away, but at the last minute, I snatched it out of the bag because I remembered that I had a lighter skein of similar cotton yarn. I used two strands held together all through the bag and just added the lighter color about a third of the way in to give an ombre effect.

I was able to make a fairly large sized market bag. I have a bit left, but that can go into my yarn scraps bin.


So, I’m not sure if this is impressive or vaguely worrying to my only-slightly-younger ADD self. There are definitely crafts I’ve crossed off my list (anything to do with heating metal is Not For Me, for instance) but I’m also still learning new stuff on the regular.

On the other hand, while I absolutely need more space around here, I know that it’s also possible to declutter too much for me to be comfortable in a space, so perhaps we can chalk it up to different people wanting different things. And it’s very inspiring to see you so happy about the changes you’re making. :green_heart:


I get that…I have been looking at a lot of houses, and some of them give me quite a bit of anxiety because they seem so devoid of “stuff”…I am also uncomfortable with that. I have visited homes of others that I know nothing about them from their homes. I know minimalism might be trendy and great for a lot of people, but not for me…not in my home, my crafting, my dress, or my views on life in general.


The “lack of personal stuff” thing bothers me more than “minimalism” in general. I’m not a minimalist, but I know some people are really, really bothered by “stuff”. But we look after our neigbhours’ pet when they’re away, and their house is downright creepy. It feels like an airbnb, although they’ve lived there for 7 or 8 years. It’s decorated in airbnb style, there’s as little furniture as possible, they literally ripped out the window sills, there’s a mirror on one wall but no other wall decoration anywhere. There’s never anything personal left anywhere, not a forgotten teacup, an envelope, a book. There’s obviously not a bookcase or any records or CDs or anything like that. There used to be a fleece blanket on the sofa, but later that was decluttered too.

I get why people want a decluttered lifestyle, but I feel very uncomfortable in that house, with zero personal posessessions anywhere. That’s a step further than “no clutter”, somehow it feels “off”. I know people live there, but when I walk around their house, I just can’t see it. Not a picture, or a shoe, not a scarf or a ballpoint. Of course I don’t go into rooms I’m not supposed to go in. Maybe those other rooms are really full of stuff, but I don’t think so. There’s usually nothing in the fridge either. Even if they’re only on a weekend trip. My spidey senses always tell me to leave asap.


That sounds like a house owned by space invaders pretending to be humans “for research.” haha


Yikes! That is super duper extra plus not my aim at all, nuh-uh no-way no-how. We have friends with a house like that, I’m afraid to breathe when we visit. I certainly wouldn’t enjoy eating or drinking anything over there. Terrifying! I’m a klutzy mess.

My place looks like a box of crayons threw up all over the place & stuff could not get any more uniquely personal. I certainly have maximalist tendencies, I’m just tryna focus that stuff up off of surfaces, particularly the floor. So there’s lots of art & lovely textiles, beads, crystals and plants hanging up. Nice to look at, easy to dust, can’t get lost in a pile, no tripping hazard, lol.
Stuff hiding in stash makes me feel sad. Others may find that plethora of hidden treasure inspiring, just waiting to be refound in delight. I totally get it, I’ve been there & loved it. Somethings changed for me now.


I’ve seen plenty of pics so I know your house is amazing! In fact, as of today I know it smells amazing too. Without wanting to sound like a weirdo :laughing: I opened the envelope today and I suddenly smelled what I think is incense? A familiar smell that reminded me of my teenage bedroom. Mr. Imma absolutely hates incense. I think I have some sticks in the box with all the candles, I should declutter that too, or burn it all when Mr. Imma is on a trip this summer.

My neighbours eat outside for like 6 or 8 months of the year, and I’ve always wondered if they do that to keep the house extra clean.

@AntBee that would actually explain a lot lol.


Having had to empty two hoarder houses of relatives, I am aiming for oh such minimalism. And it makes my adhd brain happy to not see stuff. Except! The office/craft room can have all sorts of craft stuff! Because I can close that door and not see it! So as I finish getting rid of the last junk from my parents’ house and their 3 storage units (insert side-eye at the passed parents here), I keep in my head this photo I took of my place when I first moved in & my only furniture was 2 Ikea patio chairs… bliss!


So I keep de-stashing books & stuff & furniture, and crafting supplies I have decided I don’t like (jewelry-making, most papercrafts, painting/watercolors, knitting). But I am keeping most of my fabrics (my precious!) to use them though, not just keep. Plus all my felt & embroidery. Embroidery I am indulging in full bore!

It is a huge process. I am allowing everything Christmas to stay until I go to decorate this year & then I will sort it all, and family slides/photos are a winter project too.


Isn’t it funny how different we all are? I love it. 2 chairs, looks peaceful for reading.

@Immaculata I can’t smell properly since covid! That’s funny things from my house smell of incense. I’m glad you liked it, and now I know, lol.


I feel your pain. We knew, and still were astounded, at the amount of stuff my mom was able to stash in cupboards, closets and drawers.
My sister, brother and various occassional helpers were able to donate, trash, or gift away most of it. Nice stuff but well worn and well used.
One.saving grace was that I lived plane distance away so very little ended up on my comfy but small house. We have a rule, if a new piece of furniture comes in, one old one must leave.


I have been planning an epic reorganization of my craft room for about 6 weeks now (honestly, since the first of the year, but I finally gave up and just scheduled time off work to do it so I wouldn’t go batty failing to get it done). I was ready. I was even going to pre-game a little last weekend. Then my family had a million unexpected things I HAD to do with/for them, and I got nothing done, not even my normal daily chores. Then, they started coming up with things they needed for this weekend. The stress that room has caused me is completely unreasonable. So, I ended up taking another day off (four-day weekend) to try to find the time to reorganize and declutter it. If it doesn’t happen, I might have a breakdown. I love my family, but they can drive me insane. I need a clean workspace. At this point, I am scared to walk into my craft room due to all the tripping hazards and falling supplies. Wish me luck!