2nd post - charcuterie

So…I bought too much cheese this year :laughing:.

So much that I ended up making two New Year’s charcuteries…a savoury and a dessert.

Dessert cheeses are chocolate cherry stilton, orange champagne Wensleydale (was to die for), mango ginger cheddar, and cranberry cinnamon chevre.

Savoury, apart from usual suspects, included truffled cheddar, double-smoked cheddar, roasted garlic havarti, chili brie, and spicy Gouda.

Almost silly how much I enjoy making these - like assembling a puzzle of colours, textures, and flavours! I often do the same for breakfasts or sandwich lunches…



These are beautiful and abundant!


Not possible.


But really, what a gorgeous array! I want to go to your parties!


Mmmm… those look delectable! Even before I scrolled down, I was thinking how well they were put together, as far as balance of colors and textures, etc. You’re a food artist for sure!


Agreed - too much cheese is Not A Thing. Never mind that we’re still eating it up. Good thing it keeps! :sweat_smile:


Oh. My. Goodness. This looks delectable!


I LOVE charcuterie :star_struck:


Well, I know what seat I would take at your holiday celebrations… right next to these magnificent spreads!


That’s a LOT of magnificence!

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Wow! That looks so good.

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They both look fantastic!

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Guys…thank you. I waited so long, and hemmed and hawed about posting anything of mine. (Once upon a time, I had neither a digital camera nor a phone, but I haven’t had that excuse for a while :wink:.)

There’s a lot going on in my family and we’ve navigated and will continue to wade through some pretty heavy stuff, and the kind responses to my two project posts and welcome to this community have had me smiling all day.

If only meeting/making real-life friends were this easy! :relaxed:

And seriously - thanks. I don’t wanna be weird, but you have no idea how good this has felt. :purple_heart:


Oh my goodness. This is truly a feast for the eyes. I love charcuterie. I bet your guests were in HEAVEN! :heart_eyes:

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Too Much Cheese should be the name of my autobiography! I love seeing all the different colors and textures come together and I bet it was delish!!!


:star_struck: Well, what do you know, your wonderful craft is one of this week’s Featured Projects! Congratulations! :tada:

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So pretty and delicious!
You did an amazing job on them.

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YUMMMMM! Holy moly, that’s a lot of cheese and other tasty looking goodies! Both of the boards came out really well. They look so tasty and inviting. I like your idea of breaking up the ingredients into a savory and a dessert board. You did a great job balancing the colors, all the reds pop on the dessert platter and all the oranges in the savory one, very nice!
Ooh, I also just thought of all the tasty grilled cheeses you could be having with the leftovers, delish!


Yes! Double smoked cheddar and bacon marmalade (or caramelised onion chutney), chevre and fig jam, brie & hot pepper jelly…:yum::yum::yum:

(And thanks for your kind words!)



Thank you! I am humbled.

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Oh wow, those look delicious and super professional too. Impressive!