A-Z of Inspirational Words - an Art Journal

This was made for my partner @wendiek in the recent Go Bananas Swap. I was inspired by two of her Pinterest boards - art journals and prayer flags, so this blend of the two was born. I painted sheets slightly smaller than the pages in the book and then stuck them in - I was not quite brave enough to paint directly into the book, but think I would be if I made another. I pulled out about half of the pages in the book, which allowed space for the 3d elements on some pages.

I stuck the backgrounds into the book in a completely random order (remember this point when you get to R! :smile:). I set up all the words/quotes in Word, using a whole range of fonts and printed them onto a heavy paper. I cut them out and stuck them in, in order, and then went to town with my box of markers/sharpies/metallic gel pens/etc.

Lastly I embellished each page with a random assortment of bits and pieces - ribbons, flowers, gems, etc. Dependent on how I had painted the page, I added more or less to the page. I finally had to stop when I could barely close the book.

The front of the book was decorated with a napkin - I was hoping the butterfly print would show through the glitter more than it did, but I do quite like the outcome anyway. I laid this over a ribbon which could be tied to keep the book closed, as it tended to bounce open without it.

My favourite pages keep changing, but I do love F and R specifically. And I loved the journey of making it - I learnt a lot about just letting go and not overthinking the finished item, but letting it grow almost organically.

Front cover







Gezelligheid (description from wikipedia - a Dutch word which, depending on context, can be translated as conviviality, coziness, fun. It is often used to describe a social and relaxed situation.)

Hoop (Dutch for hope)


Je - I had to be a little sneaky on this one, as it was a quote my partner loved, but she loved the Dutch version, so I filled in most of the other letters and popped this one in on a blank letter towards the end, as I could have used it for a range of letters. It translates to “Your life would be very empty if you had nothing to regret”


Liefde - Dutch for love






Rainbow - this placement of the background was a complete happy accident :heart_eyes:




Voorpret - Dutch for anticipation

Wees - Translates to “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”



Zielsverwant Dutch for soulmate or kindred spirit


What a lovely gift and a great idea!

Must have been quite the labor of love! Your pages are lovely. Lots of them are very pretty, but the one that is standing out for me is the G, maybe partly because I was not familiar with the word.

This makes me so happy. It is beautiful and inspiring.