ALL NEW, REIMAGINED Harry Potter Craftalong - Spring 2024

That’s awesome that you make your own bras! & the unpaper towels are cute and useful!

that mushroom print! :heart_eyes:

I have been at a snail’s pace replacing one-use items with reusable items. So far I have a Last Swab Q-tip, facial rounds, and pads (which are now moot). I use dryer balls instead of adding fabric softener. Reusable paper towels are on my list!

Toilet stuff will still be one-and-done, though. Makes me gag.

Yours are SUPER CUTE!

And you re-made a bra? Wow! Bras are a PITA for me. Most of the time I can get away without wearing one due to jackets and light decorative scarves, but as I’m getting older they’re falling a bit more :rofl: No good in summertime tank tops.

Love that mushroom fabric! I’m sure they’ll be very popular with the college crew.

OMG that mushroom fabric is the best!! And WOW! Nice bra upcycle!!

Prompt/Challenge Title: Crafter’s Choice
Project Name & Page Link: Magic Cookie Bars
LC Contest/LC Swap/Charity Item: Charity donation to the Friends group at my local library
Team: The Quibbler
Brief Description: The Friends group at my local library is having a bake sale to benefit the library, so I baked some cookie bars! I put each one in a valentine’s day themed baking cup because I had a bunch & added tags with ingredient information after I took pictures. (Recipe is included on the linked page.)


Yummm! Those look delicious!

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That’s so sweet of you!

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Prompt/Challenge Title: Paddington Station
Project Name & Page Link: “I Chews You” family/friends valentines
Team: :cyclone: :sparkles: :cyclone: The Quibbler :cyclone: :sparkles: :cyclone:
Brief Description: I made seventeen almost identical valentines using Lawn Fawn stamps and alcohol ink pens. I also made the envelopes from paper using an envelope maker and my new paper cutter, Carl. They have been well-received.

Prompt/Challenge Title: King’s Cross Station
Project Name & Page Link: Valentines for son and husband
Team: :cyclone: :sparkles: :cyclone: The Quibbler :cyclone: :sparkles: :cyclone:
Brief Description: I made two very special valentines for my son and my husband. My son’s valentine uses googly eyes with heart-shaped pupils and, yes, I had the song on repeat in my head.
My husband’s uses some new watercolors I received and is based on the tv show Futurama.


The googly eyes are hilarious!

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Prompt/Challenge Title: Hut on the Rock
Project Name & Page Link: Imagination Whimsy Box
Team: Which Broomstick
Brief Description: Pretty sure this is in the top 3 of most over the top things I’ve ever made!

Prompt/Challenge Title: Molly’s Housecraft - WIP
Project Name & Page Link: Rooster Embroidery
Team: Which Broomstick
Brief Description: This was my travel craft for quite a while, but getting stuck an extra day on my trip finished it up pretty quick! :smile:


That whimsy box is amazing! Over the top in the best possible way. Love the embroidery and @irid3sc3nt ’s cards, as well.


Prompt/Challenge Title: Hospital Wing
Project Name & Page Link: Happypotamus III
Team: The Quibbler
Brief Description: Crochet is one of my best crafts, so I crocheted a hippo! I used yarn from my stash and this pattern: Happypotamus The Happy Hippo (ravelry link)

Prompt/Challenge Title: Paddington Station
Project Name & Page Link: Valentine Cards
Team: The Quibbler
Brief Description: For valentine’s day, I made some cards to be mailed to people!


I have a couple I can share:

Challenge: cupboard under the stairs
Team: Witch Weekly
Description: I made more than 8 of these little dino heart broaches and card holders for my daughter’s dance class friends:

Challenge: Molly’s Household: Scrap Busting
Team: Witch Weekly
Description: working from the scrap fabric bag I made a valentine boa/bunting out of old pajamas:

Challenge: Hogsmeade Station
Team: Witch Weekly
Description: This tiny sweater is made of very colorful yarn, it could have been a souvenir from Honeydukes!

Challenge: Paddington Station
Team: Witch Weekly
Description: This tiara is meant for a friend. It’ll be mailed as soon as I have the letter written to accompany it:


Ok, everything you made is extra cute. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I would totes wear that sweater. Want to make it in an adult size? :laughing:

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I managed to make a “thing” !! :grinning:
Prompt/Challenge Title: Hut-on-the-Shore
Project Name & Page Link: Window Wanderland - Lord of the Rings
Team: Witch Weekly
**Brief Description:**We have a community thing in our part of the city, the so called “Window Wanderland” - people who sign up decorate their windows for a weekend and keep their lights on so people can see the creativity. You walk around the houses who have signed up (or drive by car - they are usually very spread out).
We did our first one in 2022 - Ghost Busters themed, and this year it was Lord of The Rings.

There was no Wanderland in 2023. And I think my area of the city started this during Lockdown (2021 maybe?), at least we didn’t hear about it until 2021.

I made the 3 panels for our kitchen window all by myself, and then helped Doug and the twins to do the two Velux Windows (middle and top floor). They are quite rugged at the edges, due to the use of tracing paper (never able to cut that one neatly!!) and the worst ever: sugar paper! :wink:

Project Photo(s):

Ok, my work (all by myself):

The full display is here, the whole family’s work…

And let’s see if I can find our display from 2022…


That’s really cool!

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What a fun thing for the city to do! I love your windows!

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Prompt/Challenge Title: Flourish & Blots
Project Name & Page Link: February Book Binding Adventure
Team: Daily Prophet
Brief Description: My one goal for this month was to make a book. It took me forever to do the typeset, and I found a glaring mistake when I flipped through the pages this morning, but Oh Well! There’s a lot wrong with this but the only way to get better is practice. ~190 page quarter legal size, so about the same size as a trade paperback.