An Ode to Lost Art

I sent these two pieces to @Magpie wayyyyyyy back in March as surprise happy mail. And the post office has yet to deliver them. They’re lost somewhere in the postal system, likely for good. I like to picture them climbing out of their envelope and going on adventures. Both are watercolor on coldpress paper.

A little sea monster (this is 2.5 inches square)

Bird photobooth strip


Awww how sad that these cuties never made it. But like you say, perhaps they are having adventures!

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So cute! I hope they will make it here someday. Darn mail!

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Don’t give up!

Way back in the old days, I sent a priority package to a crafter in Texas…it was six jars of homemade jalapeno jelly. We thought it was lost forever or the jars broke and they threw away the package (even though it was packed so well!). In the meantime, she had moved. 9 months later, it came back to me…all jars still intact! ha

Your art work lives on because you created it and sent it out to the universe!


Hopefully it’ll find it’s way to magpie, because that birb photo booth picture is too clever


That little bird tushie is too cheeky and cute!!

Hopefully your mail eventually arrives safely x

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Aw, that’s sad that they got lost.
They look like an adventurous duo, probably wreaking mischief somewhere.


They may yet still make it!

Also, that bird photo booth is adorable

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Wow on how long that took, but that definitely gives me hope!

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We got a birthday card after two years! Hopefully it might come eventually. Love the photo booth so much! :heart::heart::heart:


:art: :woman_artist: :love_letter: Congratulations! Your lost (but lovely) watercolors are Featured Projects this week! :love_letter: :woman_artist: :art:


Aww, thank you. I’m sure bird and sea monster would cheer wherever they are!


That photobooth strip is the cutest!

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Thank you!


Both are adorable and clever, but that sea monster has my heart! If they don’t end up at her mailbox, if they accidentally came to mine, I wouldn’t be sad. :slight_smile:


These are so cute :heart: I love your watercolour monsters. And the bird photo strip is just too good lol. I imagine if a real bird went into a photo booth, that may pretty much be the result, lol

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Aw, that sucks that they’re AWOL. I too have had things show up in my mailbox months after I thought they were gone for good, though, so maybe they’ll make it yet.

Love that bird photoshoot, and the back feather shot is hilarious!

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I’m sorry the mail whisked them away to see sites around the world rather than getting to their destination. The bird photobooth strip is clever! The coloring is beautiful.

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