Another handbound book--this one is for me!

I finally made another handbound book for myself.

I made some rookie mistakes in this one… too much glue in the end papers, cut off too much of the cover wrapping…

But it’s still cute and functional.

I’ll be forever grateful to @Edel for sharing her “how-to” video. It demystified the process for me and allowed me to finally get started. I still have a lot to learn, and I’ll keep working at it :heart:


But you just keep getting better and better, this is really lovely. The papers you choose are great. :heart:


I agree with @Edel! Every notebook you make seems better than the one before it.


Thank you for your kind words! I thought I wanted a non-fabric cover, but this cover really didn’t work out too well. It’s all wrinkly now. Perhaps I have to add some contact paper over top or something, to help it stay in place. But for a little book for myself to do stuff in, I think it’s fine. The next one will be better :heart:

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