Art Journaling Craftalong - 2021

Awesome! I really enjoy Alisa Burke’s classes. :slightly_smiling_face:

I passed on the other classes which is why I jumped on this sale. But I will be jealously watching from the sidelines for the other ones!!


I just signed up for the recycler, nature, and journal-it-out classes. It really helps that there is no time constraint on getting through them. Not that there is concern about getting the most bang for my buck, since hey, it’s $10! But I want to absorb and apply all that I can while being mindful and low-key about it.


I’m interested in the nature one also

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Thanks everyone for joining in the art journal zoom today.

I like this one although there are things I’d do different next time. I also made a simpler spread in a smaller journal.

Dylusion paints
Stabilo pencil
Uniball vision elite pen
Tracing paper
Writing stamp
Black/ white ink pads
Gel medium
Letter stickers


They are both gorgeous! I love the layering you’ve done with the greens, and I think the high contrast with both white space and black is working really well.

(I really must go and get ready for work …)

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They are both lovely @geekgirl residually the second one, the greens are fab

I’m so sorry I didn’t get to the zoom this evening, we had unexpected guests.

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It was great art’ing with you ladies!

Here’s my page from today. It feels simultaneously dark and too white/empty. Not sure if I’ll add more to it or not. I really liked the techniques of using the tissue paper, reverse stenciling, and outlining the stenciled bits so I will have to use those in future pages.

Liquitex acrylic
Liquitex matte gel
Black uniball signo pen
Stabillo all pencil

@geekgirl I really love yours, especially the second piece. The handwriting stamp is a great idea (that I might need to steal).

Here are the supplies I was talking about


Fun today and lovely work by you all, as always! I needed to make a confession in mine…

I gessoed over part of it since it was all looking too busy for the mood.

Used: book pages, vellum (?) paper, pens, stabilo pencil, water brush, acrylic paint, gesso, stencil cut out of cardstock


It was nice seeing everyone today! Here is how mine turned out. I am not happy with the beige tissue paper situation, but what can you do. The cicada’s tissue on the left page does look more camouflaged. I might mess with the moth on the right a bit more and see if I can get a bit happier with it.


I love seeing everyone’s pages! I actually squeezed in some time for this vid last week. Not the same vibe as creating with you all during the zoom but I was in need of some creative time so I’m glad to have somewhere to channel my energy. Here’s my page:

I drew the face on parchment paper because it’s what I had, lol. It worked ok.


It’s fun seeing how all your pages turned out! I haven’t tried that one yet and I think I might not afterall… I have started my Recycler’s Journal! But nothing to share yet, just paint smudges around pages so far :slight_smile:

Thanks! Green is not usually a color I gravitate to so it always surprises me when a mostly green spread looks pretty good!

@Edel we missed you but guests sounds like fun!

@photojenn i like your white space and I like how the different colors come out in her face. Thanks for the links. I have packages on the way lol.

@calluna i love your face and librarian saying!

@BeesKnees i really wouldn’t have focused on the beige tissue paper if you hadn’t said anything. I like your cicada and butterfly and I like your fern/plant stencil

@Abbeeroad i love your white space and how you drew the face. Very modern/abstract feel to it.


My newest obsession - mini collage notebooks.
I ran across this person’s Instagram where she does tiny collages.

I generally throw paint and ink on everything but this looked like a fun way to use up scraps. I only used paper scraps, some washi tape, ribbon pieces.

No gesso, paint, ink, gel pen. No splatters :open_mouth:

She used a lot of store bought embellishments. Which nothing wrong with that but my goal was to use up leftover bits. I was working in 3 separate mini notebooks.

Some pages.

Some unfinished pages


Those are great! And bonus for using up scraps!!! I’ve been working on fodder type things with some scraps but I think I’ll have to borrow this idea too. Thanks for the inspiration! And I have to say my fav page is the (mostly) black and white with the butterfly, music, and measuring strip :heart: But they are all fabulous!

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Awesome and fun! Love the concept.

Fantastic this is so fun and way to use up scraps!!

So fun. And a great way to use all the little bits.

@calluna your page is great and the “confession” really makes it.

@BeesKnees I love the butterflies they really work with the background colours

@photojenn the negative space tied with the white flowers looks fab.

@Abbeeroad I’m glad you got to do the page, my replies are currently inaccessible, but I hope to be back to normalish next week.

@geekgirl those mini collages are an excellent idea! They are really accomplished


“I’m not going to let this Recycler’s Journal class become an excuse to save all the trash.”–me, who just washed out an empty cereal bag.


Cereal bags are the best tho! Do you also shope brands with the nicest packaging? I don’t even want the cookies, lol.