Art Journaling Craftalong - 2021

Same but replace “cereal bag” with “used coffee filter” :rofl: I’m trying so hard not to dedicate a box to trash I’m keeping :joy: lol


I was with you until this line :joy:


I just saved my used coffee filter from this morning …


I was filtering turmeric ginger tea.


I think you should dedicate 1 box, but keep it to that box only. If it’s full, you can’t add more until you use some of the stuff up (or send it off to others). I’m trying to stop myself from saving so much, so I’m trying to put some sort of limit on things- for example, I’m only saving 12 toilet paper tubes, but once I use them, I can save them again until I hit 12.


I have set a few things aside. I already keep so much “garbage” I don’t want to get overrun with stuff but I think having a limit is good :slight_smile: Might try to clear out a small space but I don’t want to add a new box… I mean, where would I put it? :sweat_smile: But if I rearrange some things it might open up a spot :wink:


I also bought the Recyclers Art Journal class. I can’t say that it is new material, but it’s nice that the lessons are short and gathered together. I prefer making the books myself, but I got a few ideas from the class. And I still have more to watch.

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One box?
You mean, not an entire cupboard? Just a box?
I knew I was doing something different.
And I’m not even part of the Art Journaling Craftalong, LOL


Same, but multiple bookshelf units. I have the space in the basement craft area, so why not, except that it gets over-cluttered & heaped. Also fam complains. So that is one reason I joined LC…to be held accountable, on my own terms, to either do it, climbing out from under piles into pIn-worthy scrap-craft perfection :angel: or dump it! :wink: :imp: :file_cabinet: :recycle::woman_climbing:


I do like the idea of the number limit…that’s a great idea.

Also, what are cereal bags useful for? I used to use them for my dear departed kitty’s litter…

Back to limits and boundaries…My limit might be higher, and I might also add a date. For example…I was saving plastic gallon milk jugs, to do that Jan. start-yer-garden-outside thing, (winter) but that date went past, but then they could be big transplant pots, & impromptu watering jugs, (spring-summer) & for fall I have always wanted to make those Halloween skeletons but just never do it in time. So that’s my new deadline with say…13 of them (they are outside now in some bag in the back 40…only the deer, bunnies, and fam know about 'em). So I am declaring to all who read this that next recycling Sunday (I think it’s 10 days from now), any that I haven’t used I will :recycle:


I cleared out a small drawer for “trash”, if it fills up then no more or make room by tossing :laughing: But I already have a box dedicated to tissue paper (stuffed full!), a box plus pile of papers to be gelli printed and/or masterboarded, a small box of scrap papers, napkins (unused!), scrap size tissue paper… another space for envelopes and misc junk papers to be cut open and added to my gelli print pile… a small box of trash and found objects for making marks (like stamping). My actual recycling bin that I try to not recycle each week :joy: and I’m sure there’s more I’m forgetting :stuck_out_tongue:


OMG, I am in The Sisterhood of Trash Collectors.

I just started down the path of junk journaling (good compliment to art journaling) and almost done with assembling my first book. But I have felt really under-supplied since this was all new to me, so I did some amazon shopping, and a coupe estate sales, and some ebay.

I limited myself to one very large box that I used to keep old magazines in. But that sort of filled up. So I limited myself to that one box, plus one plastic bin since afterall the bin is mostly magazines. And might as well use this ONE shelf in the reading area strictly for books that are meant to be altered. Oh and maybe we can just go ahead and convert these storage drawers (I mean, they are here anyway…) from polymerclay bits I am not using, stuff that all into a single drawer and then I can just use the drawers I cleared out to store my tea- and eco-dyed papers. And maybe these two three-inch binders would be good just to store scraps so they are easy to get to and I can put them on this other shelf that is mostly cleared of other stuff and use this as my clean paper shelf. I kept all my regular mailing supplies and stationary in that cabinet over there anyway, so might as well put the clips, folders, envelops and whatnot in there to make sure still I have room in my junk journaling box and bin…

That’s really it though. No more stuff if it won’t fit in these designated spots. I mean it.

Somebody save me from myself.


You all have some great ideas on specifics (which is part of the issue for me…the overwhelm of it all, plus boundaries). I was literally just pondering the best solution to a few of those things.

Thanks for also articulating the individualistic parameters one must establish to save one’s self in this Sisterhood’s mindset. After I posted yesterday, I read a blog that said that the avg. American fam ‘produces’ around 150 milk jugs/year; I’ll bet we do, if not more. That’s an awful lot of upcycling of just jugs ( :innocent:) …I need to face the fact that I can’t upcycle everything our family produces, though I used to do so for myself, when I lived off-grid, in a tiny house, alone, and basically zero-waste…way before that was all a thing; I just need to accept that more stuff now needs to go into the :recycle:bin. When I lived ‘on the land’ I had cancelled the trash service, and just had a bag of recycling (because I had very limited storage space, I put that in the car) and then I dropped it off at the recycling center whenever I went into town. I was also more conscious of plastic consumption and pre-cycling (buying things with less packaging) when it was just for me, but for the family’s needs and wants, I’ve compromised my principles of overly fastidious attention to pre-cycling details, esp. now@Covid, so now I’ll need to save myself from my own attitude. I guess the first step is acceptance, and calling on a Higher Power to help me upcycle what I can, recycle what I can’t, and have the wisdom to know the difference. (the Sisterhood’s Serenity Prayer)

edited to add: this whole thread had already inspired me to start using my stash…because I missed last Sunday’s zoom-a-long, I went to the top of the thread and started from the beginning doing the YT’s in an obsolete book I grabbed from the books to be upcycled (“The Windows 3.1 Bible”); plus grabbed 2 pieces of some cardboard packaging before it made it to either the stash or the bin, so the first layer of some (now) deep purple masterboards is dry. Will have some pictures to post of actual crafted things soon!


I have two boxes of paper ephemera that I tried to pare down to one, but I didn’t quite make it. I also found two separate piles of flattened tissue boxes (I can’t be the only one who picks them out based on the pattern on the box, right?). I threw one of the piles out and cut up the other one. Once I make a dent in the cut up pile, I can start saving them again. I think I need to make some tags and use up some of that ephemera!

I’m going to be stuck at home on Sunday (and maybe Monday) because of Tropical Storm/Hurricane Henri, so I’m planning to make a bigger dent in the craft room chaos. I’m working on clearing off my work table, so I can do some smaller stuff, but what I really need to do is clear of the area in the center of the room (it’s 2 sets of 2X4 cube KALLAX units) so I can use that to lay things out to dry and to set up my die cut machine.


Today I had one package in my cart and then swapped it out for one with better patterns :laughing:. Though I will say I spent less time deciding/rooting through the shelf than usual…


I have strictly limited myself to only one large plastic bin of packaging and stuff to recycle for art. And the small pile next to it. And the stack of recyclable books in the spare room. And the other bin. And those things in a box in garage. … :thinking:

It was so much fun art journalling with you guys last week! I’m a bit slow to post, it’s terrible how work has interfered with my art time.

@photojenn your page is fabulous! I especially like the white space and the way you’ve done your patches of colour - a balance between blocky and organic.

@calluna your confession page is brilliant (I can relate). I love how you do texture with all the brushstrokes, splatter, layering - and the expression on the face is so good!

@BeesKnees the way you’ve layered all the organic shapes and colours is so lovely! Beautiful handwriting too.

@Abbeeroad your page is wonderful! the colours and contrast have such a vibrant energy, and your face drawing looks so cool and stylised!

@geekgirl I adore your mini notebooks!! such a great way to experiment and find a home for beautiful scraps, samples, and bits - I am inspired!

@magpie - that turmeric tea makes such a gorgeous colour!

Need to go find a pic of my journal page …


Here’s my page from last week…

Supplies -

  • gesso
  • acrylic paints
  • used herbal teabags
  • liquitex matte medium
  • Tombow Brush pen

I thought about how to add the leaves, but I couldn’t decide on it so I left it - I liked it without. The teabag was a little tricky to draw on, but I really like drawing something on a separate transparent paper so I can try moving it to different spots on the page.


I love the cat!!!


I haven’t picked a new video yet but wanted to see what dates work for our next art journal zoom

I know sept 5 is a holiday weekend in the US (Monday is Labor Day) but Im taking extra time off and turned it into a 4 day weekend so I’ll be around for arting

You can choose more than one option.

I’ll scout out a video or if there’s one we’ve done before that people want to do again let me know (see bottom of first post for links)

  • Sunday august 29, 2 pm Eastern time
  • Sunday September 5 2pm Eastern time
  • Sunday September 5 7pm Eastern time

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Even if we don’t do this video in a zoom I think she does a good job of walking you through layering in a journal page

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