Art Journaling Craftalong - 2022

Welcome @MalarkeyMama :grinning: this craftalong is so inspiring and friendly. I hope you’ll give it a try!


I think so too :slight_smile: thanks for tagging me

Hey, is there a paper crafts craftalong planned for 2022 or are we mixing it with the art journal craftalong? Not that I need another thread to follow but I’ve been doing some random papery things that might be fun to share


I want to see the random papery things!! But I wouldn’t say I’m the most active person on the group, nor it’s founder, etc. Let me know if there is another place / thread I should be following :slight_smile:


@audity was running those but she hasn’t been on in a while.

She probably wouldn’t mind if someone else wants to start a new year.

I don’t mind if people post paper related stuff in this thread but it does make sense for it to have its own home too.

If no one else wants to start a new thread I can start one later on today.


I signed up for Wanderlust 2022 and the first lesson was printing out a selfie and painting over it to make a self portrait. This was waaaaaaaay out of my comfort zone and I wish that I would have picked different colors (and had heavy body paints and different brushes). When I finished I was pretty unhappy with how it came out but now that it’s sat for a couple hours, it’s growing on me a bit more. It’s my first attempt at anything like this and I tried the best I could, so I guess that’s what counts :slight_smile:


Here you go!

new paper craftalong for 2022


it looks good. you got good shadows on your face.

I did wanderlust in 2015 and it was daunting. It was a lot of faces and I am not good at faces.


I know everyone is classed to within an inch of their lives right now, but heads up that our old buddy Alisa Burke has a bunch of classes on sale, including the new Imagination Journal one that starts Monday (which I’m seriously considering). And if you’ve taken the Pattern one, I’d love your feedback on how draw-y it is. I’m intrigued by that one but am wary because I’m not a draw-er. (Not to be confused with a drawer.)


I love Alissa but her site reminds me of Kohl’s, if the thing you want isn’t on sale, just wait a few weeks. Kind of bummed for her that she needs to put on sales that frequently.

Your post reminded me that I need to get back to the doodling class. I got about a third through it and was enjoying it. Is that the pattern class you’re referring to or was it a different one?


Thanks. I think @audity is having a baby so that’s why she’s been quiet.


I think it’s called Pattern Discovery.

I know she’s been big on discounting stuff during the pandemic. But I’m new to AB in the last ~year, so I don’t have any frame of reference on whether that’s just how she does business. It’s certainly worked on me :laughing:.


Oooo another class I might need to get lol. I’ll also be interested if anyone has taken that one before.


This group is bad for my wallet :grin: I just signed up for the imagination class and also the pattern one.


Haha I can relate. I’m still pretty new to mixed media (a bit over a year) so I’ve been trying a lot of classes and teachers to figure out what I like. Some days I feel like I should just give @Smmarrt my cc and have her tell me which classes we’re taking next :joy:


I also gave in and signed up for the imagination class :+1:t2:. Should be fun.


Ha ha.

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I joined up for the imagination class. I’ve only taken her petit journal class and the recycler’s journal class.


This is amazing!! Really cool to add something that shows the current “you”. Beautiful.


I stumbled across a free art journaling class called Care December (I’m sorry if that was brought up at some point in the group, I’m always a bit behind the curve), and it’s available for lifetime access, and is free. Here’s the link: Care December Sale Page | Everything Art

I haven’t dug into it too much yet but I’m sort of a hoarder, so I want ALL THE CLASSES :smiley: and thought I would share.

Edited to add: Donations to a charity are requested - it is intended to be a fundraiser.


Happy 2022 all! I have been so un-creative and blah-feeling for the last 6 weeks or so… I haven’t been art journaling at all, hence my absence from this thread and the last Zoom art get-together.

But, your posts inspired me to look at the Burke classes again and now I have also purchased the Imagination class (and the homebody journaling class because WOW if ever a class has ever spoken directly to me, this was the one!) A couple more that were on sale too. My hopes are that spending the money will force me to do some art so I don’t feel like I wasted.

I’ll be keeping an eye out in the thread to see if there are any zoom get-togethers to work the Imagination class since it looks like a good handful signed up!