ATC blitz #4 - little bird life

I had so much fun doing the ATC blitz over the weekend- the prompts really helped spark ideas.

All the cards together -

1/6 fairy tales

2/6 put a bird on it!

3/6 vices

4/6 horoscopes

I saw a cartoon or meme of this idea recently (cant remember where, so no link to original sorry) and thought it would be a fun ATC.

5/6 relax

6/6 sew awesome

Thanks @alteredmommy for a wonderful creative challenge!


These are wonderful! :smile: :bird: :blue_heart:


Especially love that doughnut, and the tree stump.

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They are all so incredible. The gingerbread house! But my favourite has got to be the scrummy looking donut, ohhh, I miss bakery treats so much!
I am going to borrow that horoscope idea to make some cards for friends, thatโ€™s too funny.

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Thanks guys!

Yes, it made me giggle! :smile_cat:

I love your little birdie theme, especially the sewing one! They are the cutest set altogether :slight_smile:


Your birds are so cute! That horoscope is the best.

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I love them!

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I really love your distinct bird design. Itโ€™s such a modern take on the classic Norwegian bird motif! Utterly timeless.



Your birds are seriously the cutest.

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Adorable little birds! And I love how you have purple on every card, too!

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Oh my goodness! Adorable.

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I love your little birds! Theyโ€™re so cute!

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Your bird ATCs are awesome, youโ€™re so talented

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