Back to (home)school little gifts

In the beginning of every school year, I’ve always given my 3 homeschooled kids a little gift, usually consisting of school supplies, with one or two special pens or other writing things.

However, like a lot of homeschooling families, we’re sort of bursting at the seams with school and art supplies. So this year I decided to just give them a little treat, and I made them some small cards to welcome them to the new school year.

I made each of them a very simple card and a “gift tag” that’s actually a simple ATC. I made the background with bingo markers, and the writing in metallic Sharpie. They each get a chocolate bar and a pack of gum, which I think they’ll like better than school supplies, anyway :sweat_smile:



What a cute way to make their BTS special!

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I like that you make going back to school a positive and happy event with a treat and some encouraging words!

These would make nice little lunch box surprises and stocking stuffers as well! Love the metallic paint on the cool backgrounds.


Cute idea! I bet they loved them!

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Thats one way of making them eager to go back. I would do almost anything for chocolate.


Lol! Me too!


Me three!

You best believe Mama got a back to (home)school chocolate bar, too… (maybe two) :joy:


What a sweet thing to do for the kiddos! And I’ll always vote sugar over school supplies. (Not sure I’d vote sugar over CRAFT supplies, but over SCHOOL supplies, yes.)

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