I’m always intimidated by yeast because I have a heavy hand when it comes to kneading so I usually work my dough til it deflates. I threw caution to the wind to make beignets this morning. Let me tell you they turned out AWESOME! The recipe is wonderfully written and easy to follow
My coffee needs these companions right about now…Yum!
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(Linda -2024 Choose Projects that You Want to Do :us:)
We made those in PA…they are called fastnacht…basically, a fried donut…there is even a Fastnacht day…right before Ash Wednesday…all of the churches make them to sell…of course, I missed it this year since I don’t live there anymore…
We have Shrove Tuesday and cook pancakes (very similar to French crepes).
Traditionally they were made to use up any ‘rich’ foods in the house in preparation for lent, now they are cooked because it’s ‘pancake day’ and I bet many people, adults as well as children, don’t know the significance of them.
Yum! These remind me of my Louisiana roots, and also of my Oklahoma grandparents who would sometimes make from-scratch doughnuts for us when we visited.