Black Cat Shrines

It might be a bit early to be working on Halloween projects (ha…NEVER!)…so I made these shrines to my two beautiful black cats.

I decorated the backs a bit with a small folded envelope that I can write something about each one.

Not sure if I want to hang them or try to find some sort of feet for them to stand on their own.

A little side note…the little envelopes were tags that I bought during the LC auction from @TheMistressT . The top of the Rocket shrine is also from her. The back papers are from Lora and the shrines themselves are from Gypsy Laser that I was happily directed to by @MissingWillow . The inside papers and the black cat silhouettes are from Alpha Stamps that @racky got me to “visit”.
See? We are all connected!!!


These came out really really great! I love your dot action. Nice job my friend.

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This as so great! Sweet and a little spooky. I really love the idea of having the envelope on the back for tucking a note about each of the kitties and especially that the materials for them came from my contribution to the fundraiser! YAHOO! Er, YABOO!


Never too early for Halloween! This is just the cutest little shrine!

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These are so cool

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Shut up! These are fab!

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Oh my goodness, these are the best! :heart_eyes_cat:

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Lovely shrines!

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Love them! :black_heart: :jack_o_lantern: :skull_and_crossbones:

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Love these. Never to early for Halloween.

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These are so adorable! Love the little tag envelopes!

As the mama of two black cats too, I love these. Any tribute to a fur baby is keen in my book. They turned out lovely.


Wow! These are great! I love them!

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love them!

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Congratulations! This has been selected as one of this week’s featured projects.

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Wowza, I’m loving these cat shrines!

And it’s never too early to work on Halloween projects, silly.

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Awe. Halloween reminded me of these. They are still very cool.


Congrats! Your project was one of the best of 2021! You are awesome!

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They look like movie posters/advertisements! Great decor ideas!

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My black cats and I humbly thank you all…I would also like to thank my mother, my father, my uncle, my sister, my neighbor, my gardener… :rofl: Seriously…thank you!