Black thumb plant stakes

If you want a set for yourself you can come swap with us in Shop the Swap - there’s a set in my shop. :wink:

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I love them - so hilarious :joy: I love “tried & died” :rofl:

Me too. Really, these wouldn’t work for me yard. I just need one giant one that says “given up.”


Hahaha!!! :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy:

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I love these so so much. :laughing:

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I love them!
And I need them…

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Snort. :laughing: I missed these somehow but they are hilarious. Love them!

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Congrats! Your project was one of the best of 2021! You are awesome!

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I made a twist on these for the sunshine and rainbows swap with one side in Swedish! I was out of solid purple, so I used a purple print, and it didnt come out great, but I think the rest look nice.

Plus a butterfly so the caterpillars know where to hang out :laughing:


How cool!

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I love these! The Swedish on the back is super cool too!

The butterfly guards my well-gnawed tatsoi, and the rest are scattered in the garden, making me smile.

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