Blue muffins, because poop!

I saw this very interesting article about, erm, transit time as a guage for gut biome health & then my whole family wanted to dye their poop blue, lol.
So we baked these basic muffins with a lot of blue food colouring and some dried blueberries for flavour.

The flavour was negligible & they look more green than blue but we’ll see what happens, lol.


In the name of science…lol


I find whole kernel corn and mushrooms more definitive. But blue food color is fun!

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This is awesome. Our gut microbiome is fascinating. I hope you learn something about yours! I’d say report back but you might not be comfortable sharing that level of info, haha!

I might have to give this a try. :thinking:

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Ha! Fun for the whole family!

Rob said “pictures or it never happened?”

Um, no.


Yeah, I’m just imagining the household conversations this would prompt… :laughing:

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That Rob is indeed a bit odd…lol…keep him…

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SCIENCE! I heard somewhere, couldn’t possibly remember where, that black licorice can have a similar effect on personal effluent. :face_with_monocle:

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I have to remind people when we serve and eat beets…no need to rush to the emergency room…you are not dying…


I was just about to mention beetroot. I started eating a lot of it last year…!!


POOP! This is hysterical and awesome.

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This is great!

One person has reported greenish leavings so far. Guess we’ll have to see what the morrow brings, lol.

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Hilarious discussion.

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I didn’t want to know more, yet I can’t help coming back to this thread wondering what will happen next. :rofl:



Back in the day, I had some health issues so my doctor made me keep a Poop Calendar. Hubby was not amused but he sure checked it daily… :joy: :rofl:


Why did this make me laugh so hard?

Do y’all remember that crazy trend a while back where people would swallow capsules of glitter so that they could have glittery poop? Yikes.


I remember seeing those capsules advertised and the advert saying specifically not for eating! I can just imagine the people pumping out festival portapotties rolling their eyes.


My brother worked for a company like that…no one sees it, so unless you just like admiring your own, er, poop, then, glitter away! lol

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