Bookmark this Gallery! (Bookmark Swap)


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Such great bookmarks since I’ve been gone! Too many to comment on them all, but that one with the pocket notes page is genius and I’ll have to steal that idea!

I haven’t dug through my pile of mail yet but soon…


Okay, feeling better today so here is the lovely bookmark I got from @Annchen :rainbow: :blossom:!

She crocheted a zinnia and a tulip tree leaf, both things I love in my garden! And it’s kitten-approved to boot :smile_cat: I adore it too! Thank you!


I received from @Dfabbric!
This lovely bookmark.
It’s made from vinyl and I love how it feels. I keep rubbing it.

Thanks @Dfabbric


Received from @jemimah today. And boy, oh boy. Here’s a picture of everything

I got this cute little coloring book

These cute cards :heart_eyes:

And these two amazing bookmarks

These are just beautiful! Are they watercolor or gouache @jemimah? Either way, very beautiful. I thought the floral one was a print for a second.

And the folk art one :sob: so pretty. What brush was used for those thin lines? I can’t do outlines like that cause my hand will spasm if I think about it too much :joy:

Thank you so much!

I loved all my bookmarks from all my partners that I might have to frame them instead of having them in between pages.


I received from @jemimah ! These are so beautiful!

A tempest in a teacup! And a lovely Victorian home. I love them both so much!

And some really wonderful extras- some mini art with delightful copper accents, a beautiful collaged heart, and a cute coloring zine!! :heart:

Thank you, @jemimah!


Such a great package! I love it all, but that Victorian is amazing @jemimah! :heart_eyes:


Wow! That house is so cool. And the perfect shape for a tall bookmark,


Received bookmarks from @jemimah - and what a fabulous envelope of goodness!
The card:

Coloring book:


And 2 fantastic bookmarks:

The details in all your art is so lovely (I’ll be finding a frame to display the jellyfish) - thank you so much!!


Those are all lovely! I’m especially drawn to the card artwork and the jellyfish!


The linework, the layering, the precision… :heart_eyes:

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So pretty! And that jellyfish! I like the card a lot too!

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@jemimah !
The “just add colour “ is fabulous!!
All of your packages are wonderful :blush:

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Ooooo Fantasia! A few songs that were used in that movie were on the classical station the other day. That movie is lovely to watch and listen.

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I recieved my last 2 bookmarks.
They are so cute.
The Ice cream is from @Bunny1kenobi. I love the colours, and the art is so good.
The Totoro vookmark is from @jellybean and its so cute.
I absolutely love everything Ghibli, so now I have an awesome collection :heart_eyes:


Some swoonworthy creations going on in this gallery!

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Jemimah, your bookmarks are so awesome! Love them all :orange_heart: your jellyfish artwork is beautiful :star_struck:

Annchen how fun that you crocheted, I was thinking about that too.

Dfabric, love the bookmark you made. So much to see.

What a fun swap this was :orange_heart::metal:t2:


Glad they arrived! And I’m glad you like them!

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I came back from a couple of weeks away visiting family to find a lovely envelope from @Chr1stchan! She sent me two great bookmarks in such pretty, soft colours - one misty trees and birds, and the other vintage maps, both themes I love!

Thank you so much :smile:


I’ve been away, so I haven’t commented on everyone’s bookmarks as much as I would have liked, but I have been admiring everyone’s work - so much fun and colour and cuteness!!

@Myruka sorry I missed your questions earlier -

The floral one is mostly Gansai Tambi, which seems like a very gouache-y watercolour to me (I only got a few colours recently), and the folk art one is watercolour (mostly Daniel Smith).

The gorgeous and talented @AIMR sent me my script/rigger watercolour brush in a recent package, and it’s been great :heart: I do also have to work on my steady hand though! It’s always a good idea to do practise/warmups on scrap paper when painting fine stuff.

So glad you like them :smile:

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