Christmas Craftalong

My first finish of the year! Finally, finally! Completed these crochet snow people ornaments. All they needed were coal eyes & buttons.

Usually I give things away as soon as they’re done but I’m changing my ways & put them into the xmas bin so I have them in time for Dec. I’m so pleased with myself, lol.


They are so cute! Those buttons were a real find!

I have also started a gift box…putting in things I love to make but have no personal use for…I hope to just pass them on randomly or as gifts next Christmas as well!


Oh, they are just beads. I do have a stash of teeny tiny wee buttons somewhere though. Of course I do :smile:

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The noses are buttons?

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Oh, no those are buttons. But the “button” eyes are beads. Funny!

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I interrupt this normally scheduled programing to announce…it’s time to VOTE for our current challenges!!

Green Holiday Greens

Great Lettuce Craft Bake Off!


they are adorable! and the carrot nose buttons are the perfect touch!

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Yeah, I was thinking of doing something similar. Making some extra dish towels, baby hats, etc to keep on hand for last minute gifts.


Summoning @AntBee for Christmas socks accountability here :laughing: I saw in the other thread you bought more yarn to make sure you had enough to finish.

I moved into our temporary house between Christmas and NYE and had a pretty stressful January, so I missed all the great things you guys posted here. I love @Magpie 's ornaments, a great way to use up scraps of yarn. I’m not extremely good at chrochet but this looks like something I could figure out.

@Pookie those towels are also a great way to use up scraps, both yarn and fabric! I had a plan to make similar towels for Christmas (but sewed, not crocheted) from scraps of Christmas fabrics but I didn’t have the time. Hopefully next year. I love to give gifts that are practical as well as decorative.

@Lynx I had no idea this existed, but I like the look and how nice to see your own pictures used in this way. I’ve been thinking about you and @Cindy ever since I live here in this little trailer in the woods. I’m a terrible photographer, I don’t even have a real camera, just my phone, but I’ve seen more birds than I’ve ever seen in my life - and I didn’t grow up in the city, I moved there as an adult. But where I grew up the landscape was mostly grassland in agricultural use, and now we’re in the woods close to moorland and I see so many birds I’d never seen before.


Sounds like a wonderful place to see birds. A phone works and I’d love to see what you have there. The Wild Critters thread is a good place to share them.


ha ha ha Calling @AntBee …yep, we better all start now!


Here’s a great idea for a quick gift, you can make this from scraps! Reversible Christmas Coasters made by @photojenn


Finished some gift bags & letter tags tonight.

These UFOs have been hanging around for so long, glad to have them done!


2,5 months later… I finally managed to knit that pair of fingerless gloves! I started late afternoon after I’d done chores and shopping, put on a film and knit the first one during that (2,5 hours). Then after dinner I started on the second one and finished before bed. This was my first pair of fingerless gloves ever but they’re so easy, much easier than socks, I already know I can knit those on a train or in hospital without referring to the pattern all the time.

I had two balls of sock yarn, one pink variegated, one blue variegated, but the yarn is quite bulky for socks (I used 4mm knitting needles) so it wouldn’t be enough yarn for a pair of socks and I prefer a thinner yarn for socks. Each ball will yield two pairs of gloves, so 3 more pairs to go and this yarn is out of my stash.

I think I’ll knit a blue pair next and give them to my mum when I see her, her heating bill has tripled so she’s working from home in a cold house now and I’ll keep the first pink pair. My original plan was one pair for my sister and one for my brother’s partner for last Christmas, but they split up :frowning: Didn’t know them that well but they seemed nice.


Not sure what the purpose (or future) is for these tiny nesting “baskets” but they are Christmassy and so I shall post them here.
They should be called, “Shouldn’t you be doing something else right now,” baskets because yes, yes I should… but I am not. Lol


Cute! You’ll find a use for them…

I call those kinds of projects my “avoidance projects”…when I know I have other things I should be working on, work, housecleaning, exercising, etc. Hey…at least you are being productive!!


Super freaking cute!

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Thank you!

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I picked up some Christmas stitching this week. Also a WIP from last Christmas that I didn’t get around to finishing. I’ve been complaining about the bad light in our rental that makes stiching harder, but this is a light coloured 14 count aida and bold colours of thread, this is fine. So good to know I can still do some stichting, especially now we’re going to have to stay here a bit longer.

These will be 3 stocking-shaped ornaments. No real plans for them, just loved the colours.


They are lovely colors!

I think I would do more cross stitch if the patterns were smaller and not so overwhelming to me.

I really like the snow covered cottage size.