Christmas Craftalong

My crafting time has been eaten up by PT three times a week! I am so tired and depressed…I am going to rest this weekend and come up with a doable plan…even if I make ONE thing…

You guys are my rock and inspiration!


Rest is a good plan! And remember that it should be fun to craft, and if you dont make it in time, you can give it as a gift later.

I hope you have a nice weekend, whatever you do! :slight_smile:


Rest up and find the joy. And don’t forget- you have through to January 6th to be within the 12 days of Christmas! :christmas_tree:


You’ll be getting some Christmas mail (hopefully) soon! I hope that will make you feel a bit better.

I’ve been sending mail to many people here but yours is still on my desk because I’ve misplaced what I wanted to send…

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Lots of plans for the weekend!


I just remembered I was invited to post in this thread! Eek! I’ve done so much holiday crafting the last two months. With that on top of work, I feel lucky my brain hasn’t completely fallen out of my head. Instead of a massive photo dump, I’ll just share a fun photo - my biggest gift buffet of the year, set up for colleagues. I made everything, sans the plant hangers which were shared by my mom.

Top image, back row, left to right:
Reed diffusers
Felt baskets
Hot/Cold rice packs
Jalapeno salt
Onion soup mix

Top image, front row, left to right:
Wool ball trivets
Charcoal deodorizer sets
Leather wrist lanyards
Rebatch soap in bags

Bottom image, left to right:
Scrappy tree ornaments
Gnome macrame ornaments
Macrame plant holders (made by mom)

And topped off with some “shopping” bags to take all their goodies home! It was really fun and so appreciated. My friends/colleagues have come to look forward to it every year, which is a nice warm fuzzy. :slight_smile:


This is amazing!!


Yowza! That’s a lot of work! I’m not surprised that your colleagues are looking forward to this event!

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This is so cool! Thanks for sharing pics!

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I wish I were a colleague! that is quite an impressive bunch of wonderful and thoughtful projects!

I am sure all of it will be welcomed and appreciated…wow…no wonder your brain is fuzzy!


Wow! Must be like an amazing, free craft fair for all who are invited. So cool! And you do so, so much organizing and planning and early Christmas crafting. So impressed!

Every year, I intend to start crafting early for Christmas, and every year I don’t do it. Grrr!


Thank you all for the kindess! I started crafting earlier this year than ever before and it actually made it fun and fulfilling instead of the last minute marathon I usually pull. :rofl:

Scrolling through this thread is amazing! The variety and quality of things everyone makes is so inspiring. I’m already making notes for next year! :grin:


wow! what a wonderful idea!
(now to check out the projects – well done, you!)

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These are for my brother-in-law. He taught me how to knit this year—a skill I thought I would never be able to learn. He sells yarn on eBay, so these little block-printed and then hand-stamped cards are for him to send to customers along with their yarn purchases. They go into little vellum envelopes.


Wait–what? He sells yarn? He knits? Oh, man…you need to share his site…We need all the inside sources we can!

BTW…those cards are beautiful!!!


The cards are beautiful! What a great way to say thank you.


Got a set of zipper pouches put together for my tween/teen nieces.

And a set of 6 spice mixes for my FIL. (I actually made 12 jars of mixes, and put the rest aside for neighbor gifts.)

I reused the box from the small Mason jars by wrapping it in tissue paper…

Then filled it with the stuff for my FIL. Homemade spice blends, peppercorns, pepper mill, meat breaking tool, sea salt, and homemade pot holders and trivet.


What an amazing, personal gift! :heart_eyes:
And clever as always, you’ve made a big batch of those spice mixes so you can give them to other people as well. I wish I had 1% of your efficiency, that would already really improve my life :laughing:

Today is day 1 of my Christmas vacation! I started out by cleaning the kitchen, doing all the laundry, right now I’m making some extra cards. We’re hosting our first visitors in less than a week.


That is a fabulous gift basket that any foodie would be thrilled with!


Your gifts are presented in such a pretty way!