Christmas Craftalong

Made a tactical error- took Kidlet to the library and opted not to take the knitting only to arrive and find a playmate so she’s engaged and occupied and I am not! Bah humbug. Those socks better start knitting themselves or @Cindy might come out of retirement!


I can do that … Christmas is in 9 days :flushed:


I know! and I wanted her to have them for her dance class on Wednesday! THAT’S only like 5 days! Plus I just decided I want to give her teacher some fingerless gloves then, too.

Why do I do this to myself, I ask you. :roll_eyes:

Current status:


I made a few of these little mice a few years ago, but I gave them all away for a church fair. So I just made two for my own (very minimal) Christmas tree :smile_cat:


They are so cute…the little sweaters are festive. New little critters in your new home! I hope you are settled enough to enjoy the holidays!


I’m out for the count from crafting due to straining my rotator cuff. How lame is that? I can’t finish my Christmas cross stitch.


oh man! I’m sorry to hear that. What a bummer!


My Christmas vacation has started!! So I have about a week to get all of my gifts finished, cards written and sent etc. I have no idea how I’m doing in terms of progress. I know I’ve finished some stuff and packed them away, some stuff is mostly finished, some is … not close to finished at all.

Found this so far. Sorry for the poor quality of the pictures, the light isn’t great here.

I found the tree in a drawer in my craft room. Definitely stitched many years ago. I see I forgot to give the poor dove an eye! The top right one says “joy to the world” but the gold thread is difficult to take pictures of. These are all for cards. The top left one was a kit that came for free with a magazine, I think it will go to my mum. She always keeps them.

One is finished, two more to go! These will be framed in hoops and will be for me!! They’re quite small, about 4 inch in diameter.

Came across these while packing up. The last time I remember working on this is two houses ago. The kit says it’s from 2006. I had forgotten about them! I remember they were very labour intensive, took ages, and the different shades of blue were difficult to see at night. I will put these on top of my WIP-bag and hopefully they can go in the tree next year.


I had a hard time packing when I was moving because I kept finding old projects! I wanted to stop and just do them before packing.

You have found a treasure trove of beautiful stitching…those round ornaments are just beautiful!


They are the cutest!


I remember your mice from long ago, i saved that pattern because of them! Maybe January during my big “make it or let it go” phase.

Status report:


This morning, I packed a box full of craft themed books (vintage as well as modern ones) and I banned myself from even opening any of those books. I knew that if I started, there would be no more packing today!
I do have a great collection of craft books and I will definitely read all of them when I’m unpacking them in 6 months.


Beautiful knitting @Antbee, @kayrun and @Abbeeroad!!

Thanks @AIMR, we are nearly all unpacked now, and my dear old dad and stepmum have come over from NZ to stay for Christmas, so we are having a very quiet and nice time together :smile:

@irid3sc3nt, that is such a pain! I hope you recover quickly!

There’s definitely some crafters with superpowers here, aren’t there @Dragon? - I’m in awe of all the holiday crafting too. I think I’m only going to manage those two tiny mice before the “deadline” next weekend :mouse: :christmas_tree: :mouse:

@Immaculata your cross stitches (both old and new) are fabulous! such a lot of work in those snowmen and Santas :astonished: I feel your pain with packing up the craft stuff, it was like greeting old friends when I unpacked my sewing machine, and art supplies, and all the lovely gifts from lettuce friends, after they’d spent months in a shipping container coming across the Tasman Sea. Hope the renovations go smoothly!


I love all the things you guys are crafting!

I finished a few tabletop tree decorations. I used leftover balls in my stash. These are cute, but time consuming. I’d like to make a bunch and have a forest of them for next year.

Also made a small stocking for my sister. She is having a tough year and going through a lot of transition. She recently moved and isn’t decorating this year, which I completely understand, but I wanted her to have a stocking (and chocolate) on Christmas morning.


I thought these were for your little one :flushed:


They are, that’s her foot! She’s a giant four year old. Lol


I see :smiley: I would have made shorter socks, less work :smiley:


It was actually really hard to find a free pattern in her size that was simple.

Next time. Ankle socks! Haha


I had a moment of wanting to CRAFT ALL THE THINGS but still haven’t made any ornaments like I wanted to. I am a volunteer gift wrapper and wrapped… a lot… of gifts for those that are unable to wrap gifts due to health reasons (but also don’t want to chuck into a bag) and one of them is “Santa” to two little girls. (Plus gifts to my own children and relatives too, of course).

I might make some but I might just wait and start in the new year. I almost ordered supplies to make croc jibbets/charms for my croc-wearing children & nephew (& mom!). I found random tutorials online and I imagined I could manage making a bunch of personalized ones for each person. I never want to buy them because I’m frugal. ha. Definitely going into next year’s idea bank to make. I’m sure they’ll still be wearing crocs then too. Probably…

I’m loving all of your projects you are making. I’m lurking around admiring everyone’s hard work. :eyes:


I love those trees @susieoregon !

I finished one of the stitched ornaments I posted previously. The other one looks misaligned in the picture, so I’m just going to leave that one for next year :laughing:

Today will be for writing and sending cards and wrapping the gift I made for my friend (another ornament). Then I’ll just need to make a little ornament to gift our Christmas Day host (as well as dessert that I promised to bring) and I’ll have to knit up a few pairs of fingerless gloves. But these won’t be needed until Boxing Day and we’ll spend several hours on the train on both Christmas Day and Boxing Day, so I’ll have plenty of time for those later on.

Oh and we’re also visiting friends today and need to bring dessert for that one, too. I am most definitely not leaving Christmas crafting until the last minute.