Christmas Craftalong

Nice!!! Lots of Satsuma Street lovers here. I didn’t know about this series but I’ll have to check it out. Clever idea to stitch it on perforated paper for a finish that doesn’t require a sewing machine.

The whole purpose of Christmas in July has been to reduce stress later in the year, so I’m really glad to hear it has worked out that way for you.

Today is the last day of July, let’s see what we can finish today.


… orrrr start. :woman_facepalming:t2:

This was not my most enthusiastic craft month of my dreams. But i am not daunted. Just sweaty and gross. Lol


I have one last entry! Woot! Woot! Don’t look, @Immaculata. I plan to send you some of these for our personal swap. Again, all from stash. All the stitchy goodness are leftovers from other projects. I still need to add hangers.


Thanks for the warning! It’s hard to resist, but I didn’t click them open. I’ll start your item tomorrow, when I’ve hopefully finished my Christmas stitch :crossed_fingers:


No worries and no rush! These were quick and easy because they were 90% done before I started. :smile:

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I love these!

Beautiful! I am so glad you are posting more of your work…you are an inspiration to me!

Good news, I had Kidlet try on the socks I made her upthread in 2022(?) and they still fit so hopefully that’ll keep through the next 6 months meaning i only have to knit myself a Christmas pair to have us all matching for silliness come December. :crossed_fingers:


That’s a great goal for Christmas! Now your other socks are done you’ll have nearly 5 months to finish your own.

If Kidlet’s socks are getting a bit too small, you can also just frog the toe and add a couple of rows to the foot. That’s a lot less work than knitting new ones. Her socks look like they’re pretty wide so width shouldn’t be an issue anytime soon.


oh great idea!


@MightyMitochondria 4 tickets
@PrincessP 1 ticket
@Immaculata 1 ticket
@wittychild 1 ticket
@LuckyDog 1 ticket

Is the final score, I think! I did not manage to finish my Prairie Schooler sampler in July, did you finish at least one bag @jellybean ?

I’ll do the prize drawing tomorrow.

It’s Christmas in August for us, apparantly. Today we were walking through the park, and a teenage in a black hoodie was shouting at us from a distance. It took us a while to figure out what he was saying, but he was shouting “Santa” at Mr Imma - who has a beard. It certainly wasn’t the first time that joke was made, but the last time was years ago and it actually took us a while before we heard it correctly because it was so unexpected.


I didn’t finish anything, so no tickets for me, but I’m happy I made progress on some things. I’ll still share them here when I’m done. :slight_smile:


They are great for scraps and really fun to make - can’t stop at just one. This is the pattern/tutorial I used: Teeny Tiny Zipper Pouches For Christmas | So Sew Easy


Such a cute pouch! Thanks for the link! I think they would be great as stocking stuffers, especially if I filled them with a lip balm and some $!


They are a perfect fit for two lindor truffles!


Now THAT Is my kind of measurement note! Haha



I just realized that this now applies to me in my new location! I still have a goal of just trying to get the house reasonably ready for the Thanksgiving holidays! It is going to be tight, especially with my husband on recuperative mode until Christmas.


You prompted me to work it out: 15 weeks until December 1st!
I actually got 2 cloths done this month. I’m thinking a soft handmade-by-me cloth with a coordinating fancy farmer’s market soap as the base of teacher/librarian gifts this year. (We homeschool but have regular group meet-ups with a few facilitators and children’s librarians whom I count as her teachers).


Those turned out so nicely! I love that yarn.

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