I didn’t get around to posting a project for the first week in March but here is mine for week 2. I would consider it an XLarge. I’ve been working on it off and on for 2 months. I completed a whole art journal! granted it was only about 20 pages (big pages!) but usually I half way complete a journal then move to the next one. Part of the issue is often I am unsure when a page is done and have to come back and revisit it several times.
(Linda -In the year 2025, I am happy to be alive! :us:)
I love seeing your art journal. Some of the images I recognize but now see in a new way. Since you worked on it all month and I have seen pages of it, you’ll get credit for week 1!
Oh my gosh, my friend @AthenaDaytona was here this weekend to work on an ENORMOUS and secret (ssshhh) project for her mama. Sadly, I was not feeling the greatest, and then our car broke down, boooo! But! We managed to finish the big secret thing and then I made a cushion cover to go with it.
These are fairly terrible photos but I don’t care, you can clearly see the gorgeous deep purple (hey, that’s a band!) taffeta and burgundy silk (scored at the thrift shop no less) and my ingenious solution for the trim corners.
Nice, right? The corners are properly trimmed to avoid dog ears and there is also a very well done hidden zipper on the back, if I do say so myself. It takes a 16" pillow form, I put one in but photographing that, even badly, was not even possible.
I’m so proud of myself! 11/50 done and it’s only March! And many of them are gifts, which makes me even more happy! (and charity)
(Linda -In the year 2025, I am happy to be alive! :us:)
Getting a lot of little things done and out of the way…my house is still full of boxes and stuff I need to hang up to decorate…
I have a huge foyer and decided to put in a little table with a clock that belonged to my MIL and a bamboo mat that belonged to my mother. I decided I needed some flowers. These aren’t real, but when summer starts and the markets are full of flowers, I will change them out for real. For now, fake flowers brighten up the space. I had these for another project that didn’t work out.
I also redid a small wreath for my guest bathroom. Originally, I tried using the flowers on the wreath and added some shells…hated it. So I wrapped the wreath with some fabric twine I had made previously and then added the shells. It now goes better with my beach theme.
You know what’s awesome? Is that seeing your wreath makes me realize that you can use the fabric twine around any kind of wreath. The one you have here I’ve seen hundreds of in thrift shops! For a beginner (like me), that may be just the thing, nice and easy!
I love how you are decorating!
(Linda -In the year 2025, I am happy to be alive! :us:)
Yes, I also see hundreds of those in thrift stores…the vase for the flowers I arranged also came from the thrift store…it was some cheap looks like pottery but is plastic that I got for less than 50 cents!
(Linda -In the year 2025, I am happy to be alive! :us:)
That is a lovely pattern! I love the heel and the gusset detail…the leaf pattern on the leg is very nice as well!
I know I gave up on my socks after I screwed up making one sock too large, but now I want to start again…seeing yours and @Trillian 's socks makes me want to try again!
@Raury I am in love with those socks! And your yarn choice is perfect - it’s so hard to find something that has more than one color but doesn’t obscure the awesome stitch patterns. I have to ask, what pattern did you use? I have some similar yarn just crying out to be used.