I have several items I need to photograph and cross off my list. I just need to get motivated to do it.
@poetrylover828 I love that bag! There’s a lot going on with that fabric and I don’t think I’ve seen one that size/shape before.
First Project of March (23 for the year)!
I made 5 dresses of various sizes using this particular fabric. I’m not quite sure how the contest for this month works as far as determining size. These took good chunk of a day but I still think they count as a medium project, maybe?
Thanks! I had made a circle purse to look like a pokeball. So when I was trying to think of some sort of bag to make him as a gift it hit me that a circle one is a good idea.
There isn’t any lining in it. And I did French seams. I didn’t do a lining because I had no idea how to do a lining for a circular bag like this. So I used that heavier denim/canvas fabric to help it hold up. And the French seams were to try and keep it from fraying too much.
I added a mirror to my newest fabric twine wreath!
I like it a lot! Did the smaller wreath take up much twine? I only have about four yards of green and would like to do something with it…I was going to use it for embroidery but I could use another small wreath in my guest bath…
No, the small wreath doesn’t make much twine at all. Four yards is definitely more than enough.
Gorgeous! You are inspiring me with all these wreaths! I found an even smaller wreath frame at another dollar store! I want to post it and will soon. Although, it seems that perhaps my small one is the same size as yours…
Arrgghhh…my knee hurts so I can’t get up the stairs to my craft room to get any fabric to try out my fabric twisting skills and my regular prescription glasses broke so I’ve had to wear the older ones. I’ve had a low level headache for days and by the end of the last day or two now, it’s turning into a migraine; and then I can’t craft because it hurts to look at small stitches with the older glasses. At this point, I think I’m just going to tape the part that broke on my glasses and wear them like that.
Taped glasses sound way better than migraines. Good luck!
Thank you! THAT is the way to look at it!
I can finally show off the Joyful Clover in a hoop I made recently.
@aimr—eek! The first week of March is ending! I’d like this to be my project submission for this week and it’s a large!
The greatness continues! Y’all’re AWESOME!
I was able to add two more to my list. WOO! And in a couple of days I might have even a couple more. EEP!
(This probably counts as a medium, as it took 2-3 hours - 2 points)
I rolled my ankle yesterday (just a sprain), and I’m stuck on the couch for a few days. All my big projects are boring me, so I dug into my basket of yarn scraps and made my first granny square. I purposely picked an obnoxious combination of colors, but I kind of love how it turned out. The pattern is Oriental Star. About two dozen more and I’ll have a nice sized throw.
I am now questioning my love of green and orange together as being obnoxious… :D…that is one of my favorite combos! ha
I think it turned out to look quite exotic…like a Persian tile look…definitely a medium…
Thanks for the pattern link…I have a bunch of small amounts to use as well and this looks like a fun pattern…hope your ankle feels better! Ouchy!
Here’s a random WIP finish ( well at least I think its finished). I went looking for supplies for my March stitchalong idea and saw this in my embroidery drawer. I added few more flowers and leaves from my initial “doodling” and am calling it done.
The thread was in a bag for $2 at the op shop.
Wow! What are you stitching on? It looks quite gauzy…the flowers really have a lot of depth using that variegated thread…perfect for the March theme…it makes me think of spring!
Oh, I don’t think green/orange is an obnoxious combo…it’s the three shades of green and the overall brightness of the colors. It turned out to have a very Irish vibe, all completed.
Its scraps from an organza curtain, also from an op shop. Its quite the thrifted project.
No worries…I am not much of a stickler for the “rules”…I have entered just about every project made and given points…I know that creating is more important than all that administrative stuff…I have time so don’t stress…I just don’t want anyone left out of the fun!
If you are in this group, I will hunt down your projects even if you don’t post here… just saying…
So it’s not finished yet but I have a friend who is pagan that might come to visit this year. I asked him about an altar cloth and he said that this design was something he would like. I just have to find something for the back and then I will do a quick stitch and flip.
The color is a little darker than what the picture shows. The white thread has some silver filament mixed with it to give a little shine.