I made a hat out of some of my handspun for my friend’s birthday. He liked it! Strange to think it’s almost hat weather. The Summer seemed to last forever.
I got so behind on this thread!! I’ve loved spending some time on this rainy Monday morning looking at all the wonderful projects in here - so inspiring!!
I have been crafting away so I’ve updated my list a bit. Looking back over the list, I seem to have been doing a lot of art lately
The puffin is done! It’s a really cute puffin.
Thank you!
How is everyone doing…getting more or less done due to various and multiple hits from the year 2020?
I am at project 127 or so…shooting for 150 by Christmas…simply because I moved (so I really didn’t have time to make new friends or am able to go out much); I retired…so work is not about 10-15 hours a week…I have a huge stash, trying to use it up in case I have to move again!..yeah…crafting has been a lifesaver!
Are you motivated? Less motivated? Riding a roller coaster?
I could not do a thing all summer. I was working on that big blanket we talked about and finished the main body at the end of May and then just… stalled. I tried, I carried yarn around… nothing. Then for September 1st I told myself I had to do some crafting every day for the month (like the February -along does.) and that helped. I’ve done something on a project every day but 2 I think but those were after a day of much crafting so I counted them as “authorized.” haha. (the things we think to justify…) I have trouble just making something for the making of it, the project needs an end need (like a gift for someone specific or a solve to a known challenge.) I tend to start WiPs to nowhere but then never finish them so I’ve stopped doing that for now.
I have to weave in the many, many, many ends on the blanket and do the simple one color border rows then it’ll be done and hopefully shipped out to it’s forever home by 10/1. Granted, it’s huge (covers my queen sized mattress) so maybe hiring an uber to cart it up to her would be cheaper! haha. (Not really, but it is pretty heavy!)
Happy crafting!
I’m at about 25 projects done now. I’ve been doing more of “mindless stitching” - the hexie quilt and cross stitch - and less sewing. I’m in a sewing group and of course that was cancelled for most of the year. Sewing clothes on my own is less fun and I need others to help with the fitting. I’m also still losing weight so every time something is done it doesn’t fit anymore and I need to take it in. Mindless stitching with YouTube or Netflix is what I do when I can’t be bothered to do something productive. Had a lot of days like that over the past 6 months.
I am happy to say I’ll finish the hexie quilt top today or tomorrow though! After 4 years. I think I still need to do about 6 or 8 hexies and then it’s done. I’ve got an idea about how to finish but not entirely sure yet - I’ll post a pic when it’s done so I can hear what you guys think.
We are heading towards a second lockdown so I want to get the quilt basted at the shop ASAP and pick up all the supplies I need until Christmas so I won’t get bored at home.
I’m also planning to have supplies on hand for probable stay-at-home orders during Flu season. Numbers are slowly ticking up here and flu season is about to kick in so I feel it is inevitable.
I’m glad your hexie project is making you happy, cant wait to see it!
A few of my jammies were worn out, so I took a pair of bottoms that fit well and made a pattern from it. I got the fabric on clearance at JoAnn’s. They’re not perfect, but they’re cozy.
My crafting mojo hasn’t much changed since the pandemic started since our day-to-day life didn’t much change. However, after a few months the lack of access to… anything & anybody… started getting to me. I have found solace in crafting for the most part, but have had some days where I just can’t focus enough to settle on anything, craft project or otherwise. I am in the 80s for projects and may well hit 100, but may not. I haven’t completed many of my officially “planned” projects, but do hope to get the one BIG one going here soon. If I do, I won’t be getting much else done. I have a several gifts to make, so between the Big One and those, that may round out my Year of Making for 2020.
I haven’t had as much luck busting stash this year as my projects have more often needed specific materials and I have a paper addiction. Aside from paper, it hasn’t grown too much though and I skipped a semi-annual fabric sale this weekend. Mostly for cootie reasons, but it still counts!
My list has got to 37, and I think there’s a few things I’ve forgotten to add, so I reckon I’ll get to my target of over 50.
The mojo/motivation is very up and down for me. Getting started on a new project can be a challenge.Sometimes I spend far too long dithering about what to make, instead of just making something. The LC Zoom sessions and various craftalongs have been a big help in just doing something - once I get started it’s much easier
These are all super cute! I think the yellow one is my favourite.
Sounds like we all hit a period of slumps…probably a bit of depression set in for a while as well…mixed with some disbelief, sadness, anger…I think I am on the acceptance part of the grieving process…that we will be in this for a while, so I am taking inventory of my supplies, books, etc. and getting what I need for the stay at home winter that I am sure is going to happen.
I find making smaller lists helps me a bit…shooting for one or two off the lists and then seeing what random things spark my creativity.
Right now, I am bent on making custom clothing…adding embroideries and trims to have a truly unique wardrobe that reflects me. I love the Swedish style of loose but colorful clothing, so I have purchased a sweater for inspiration and will be sewing pieces to wear with it. I am even dyeing some linen to make some skirts!
Hang in there everyone! Let’s focus on some Halloween and Winter holiday projects as well!!!
@tendstowardschaos what a great idea to make PJ bottoms for the winter! They have such cute prints out in knits and flannels now! I love the yellow ones…and I love the cuffs…I hate when the bottoms ride up at night!
I keep making stuff and utterly failing to add it to my list.
I am very bad at labeling pictures and such so each year, I print out my list so I can find the picture on my computer by date…plus, it really is a great way to preserve memories from year to year…I have my lists going back to 2008! I tend to make and then just add to my list…unplanned are still projects! lol
I’ve made a bunch of smaller things. Masterboards, ATCs, Journal pages… but haven’t kept track of them
I made a crystal ball pendant for myself (early birthday present). The sphere is a real clear quartz crystal.
It’s beautiful!
I’ve finished a few more projects. I finished painting the sugar skull I bought last year, and discovered in the process I do not like painting on resin figures. The paint slid around on it a lot and I couldn’t get a clean line for anything. I also stamped a card for a friend, and did three pages in a scrapbook I’ve been working on for years. I love paper crafting and cannot remember the last time I did it. Another long in progress WIP is a pillow cover made from one of my grandma’s bowling shirts (picture below.) Finally, I finished up the Hotel for Bees shawl that was part of a quarantine-along at my LYS. I like how it came out, and the yarn was really nice to work with and has great drape (Cestari Monticello Collection Fingering).