CLOSED: Harry Potter Craftalong - Ostara 2021

Project Dump - most photos are blurred as they have not yet reached their recipients :snail: :mailbox:

Class or Challenge Title: Astronomy
House: Gryffindor
Project Name & Page Link: TM Patches for Erichanhime
Brief Description: Erin requested a Japanese theme for her patches and I had the best time making these. Please click on pic for more info, but not if you are Erin :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
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Class or Challenge Title: Charms
House: Gryffindor
Project Name & Page Link: Swap Item for Use What You Have - sadly stuck in postal limbo
Brief Description: I made this lovely item up as I went, and I feel it is pretty entrancing :heartpulse: Check it out by clicking on the pic, but not if you’re my swap partner
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Class or Challenge Title: DADA
House: Gryffindor
Project Name & Page Link: Swap Item for Use What You Have - sadly stuck in postal limbo
Brief Description: I made this cool jewellery set for a swap item, I was inspired by playing around with my newish craft tool. Check it out by clicking on the pic, but not if you’re my swap partner :stuck_out_tongue:
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Class or Challenge Title: Divination
House: Gryffindor
Project Name & Page Link: Swap Item for Geekgirl
Brief Description: I had fun playing around with one of Geekgirl’s themes for this swap. Please click on the photo to check it out, but not if you’re geekgirl!
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Class or Challenge Title: Potions
House: Gryffindor
Project Name & Page Link: Bluey Buntings
Brief Description: I made these buntings to send to my niece and nephew so they could get some happy mail. They are 6 and 4 and they love getting things in the mail. Sadly, when I went over there my SIL hadn’t put them up in their bedrooms, which is a bit of a bummer.
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Class or Challenge Title: Herbology
House: Gryffindor
Project Name & Page Link: Pusheen Charm
Brief Description: I have never used shrink plastic before and I found a sheet in Daiso, so I played around with it and this Pusheen charm is what I came up with. I love him! And he is currently pinned to my pincushion.
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Class or Challenge Title: History of Magic
House: Gryffindor
Project Name & Page Link: Unicorn Tag
Brief Description: I spent a bunch of time researching on YouTube the different ways to use my Tim Holtz Distress Inks and this is the tag that I came up with :slight_smile:
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Class or Challenge Title: Muggle Studies
House: Gryffindor
Project Name & Page Link: 4x6 Art
Brief Description: I made these three pieces of art for the 4x6 art swap.
I masked off the background with skinny washi and then painted the sections in different colours with these fun watercolour/gouche paints I got. Once they had dried I painstakingly cut out the collage pieces with some very sharp scissors and attached them. I definitely did this the muggle way as I ended up with a dent in my thumb from using the small scissors for so long. Once they were attached I used a mixture of paint pens and micron pens to add details and then sealed over the whole piece.
Project Picture:

Class or Challenge Title: Book Club Chapter 17
House: Gryffindor
Project Name & Page Link: Machine Embroidered Apron
Brief Description: I have been using my embroidery machine A LOT lately, and trying out a bunch of new things. This apron was for a friend who loves to cook and hosted a Chilli themed BBQ - he loved it! Which is just the best feeling :smiley:
Project Picture:

Class or Challenge Title: Detention - Repair/Alter
House: Gryffindor
Project Name & Page Link: Fruit Jacket to NASA Jacket
Brief Description: My partner picked up this very warm and effective jacket from the op shop and it had the logo of a Melbourne fruit shop embroidered into the front. He asked me if I could please make a NASA patch to cover it using the ‘worm’ logo of the 70s. I designed the patch on my embroidery software and it came out well the first time. We started to unpick the old logo but it was far too slow going
so we just covered over it! I attached it with double sided applique interfacing. When he was down the street he got asked if he worked for NASA (He wishes :star_struck:) so I count that as a crafty win!
Project Picture: *upside down


Class or Challenge Title: Detention - Stash
House: Gryffindor
Project Name & Page Link: quilt blocks
Brief Description: I made these fun blocks for a quilt bee I am a part of using only stash fabric
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Class or Challenge Title: Detention - Stash
House: Gryffindor
Project Name & Page Link: Personalised Teacher Stickers
Brief Description: On a whim I wanted to make some personalised teacher stickers, so using some sticker paper from my stash I went ahead and did it! There was a little but of trial and error with the cut settings, and getting my old silhouette to line up properly, but I got there in the end :slight_smile: Now I just need a better printer

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Class or Challenge Title: Headmistress - May
House: Gryffindor
Project Name & Page Link: Item for use what you have swap
Brief Description: These are really fun to make, and I made a set of them for the Use What You Have Swap - please don’t click on the link if you’re waiting to receive from me :snail: :mailbox:
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Class or Challenge Title: House Pride
House: Gryffindor
Project Name & Page Link: Gryffindor Bunting
Brief Description: I made this bunting for a friend from my quilting bee who has been having a bit of a rough time.
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Class or Challenge Title: House Unity
House: Gryffindor
Project Name & Page Link: Swap Item for Lindyv321 - it hasn’t arrived yet
Brief Description: I had such a great time crafting this item for a private swap. I had fun playing with a relatively new craft tool. Please click on the link if you aren’t Lindy :stuck_out_tongue:
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I had these projects in my homework planner - but it appears I never posted them for the craftalong :woman_shrugging:t2: Here they are :smiley:

Class or Challenge Title: CoMC
House: Gryffindor
Project Name & Page Link: Special joy bringing cushion for @jemimah
Brief Description: I loved making this cushion, it’s so bright and cheery! The front is a quilted panel of economy blocks :slight_smile:
Project Picture:

Class or Challenge Title: Detention - Stash
House: Gryffindor
Project Name & Page Link: 12 Quarantine Quilting Bee Patches
Brief Description: I made these for a Quilting Bee I run. Every round I design a new patch to go with our quilts
 you might recognise the design I took inspiration from for this one :stuck_out_tongue:
Project Picture:


I’m really spewing I missed out on all of the WWW prompts! They were so fun!!

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I love all your quilt blocks Jennie, especially the earth tone ones - the amethyst-type jewel colour in the middle makes me think of those geodes that are so bright and shiny in the centre. (Seriously, I think I was a magpie in a former life).
I didn’t realise you guys swapped quilt blocks so that you get a chance to try making different types, that’s smart.

Talking of smart, Princess P, I love the idea of adding a patch to cover over an unwanted logo! So clever!


Couple of last minute project shares!

Class: Astro
House: Hufflepuff
Project: square shelves revamp

The previous owners left these square shelves in my house - they had a few chips in them so I guess that’s why. I’ve used left over wall paint to cover the sides with chips and now these 3 will work together to help decorate my spare room

Prompt: book club
House: hufflepuff
Project: basketweave teatowels
I heard an interesting way of thinking about self improvement the other day - basically that while you’re working on the thing you want to improve, you have an inner checklist of things you’re focusing on. Over time, some stuff becomes automatic and you stop checking on it, and you add different items to that checklist instead. But, if you don’t occasionally check back in on the automatic stuff, you might lose it! For me, knitting it’s like that, and knit/purl patterns are something I am always conscious of “losing” because I don’t practice them much (I like how they look but I’m too lazy to do 'em) - making teatowels in unforgiving cotton is one way to keep on that road to continual improvement!


@PrincessP - I love the cushion - so cheerful - and those patches are such a fantastic idea

@Noodle - the shelves are going to look amazing and I completely agree with the ‘use it or lose it’ thinking - I often comment on this when delivering training at work - people often think they can undertake the training and then forget about it until the need arises one day in the future, but if you don’t regularly check back in with the training you did, you do forget it!

Class or Challenge Title: Alchemy
House: Hufflepuff
Project Name & Page Link: Macrame sample
Brief Description: This macrame sample was made to include in the mini book of crafts. It is both red and round, reminding me of Mars.
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Class or Challenge Title: Apparition
House: Hufflepuff
Project Name & Page Link: Sunflower necklace
Brief Description: This embroidered sunflower was made with woven picot petals around the outside and french knots to create the seeds in the middle.
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Class or Challenge Title: Arithmancy
House: Hufflepuff
Project Name & Page Link: Butterfly altered matchbox
Brief Description: This altered matchbox hides a secret message on the inside. The challenge was altered matchbox, the theme origami - the leaf, flower and butterfly on the outside are all origami.
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Class or Challenge Title: Astronomy
House: Hufflepuff
Project Name & Page Link: These mini envelopes and vintage valentine cards were made to tuck into the pockets of a valentines pocket letter
Brief Description:
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Class or Challenge Title: COMC
House: Hufflepuff
Project Name & Page Link: Shine Cross Stitch
Brief Description: This cross stitch was based on various similar embroidered or drawn images found online, but I designed the pattern myself. This was a present for a friend who has just moved into a new flat.
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Class or Challenge Title: HOM
House: Hufflepuff
Project Name & Page Link: Mandrake hoopla
Brief Description: This little guy was made for the Owl Post swap and the new technique was as described by @marionberries in this post - - although I switched ‘gluing to fabric’ to ‘iron on interface’, which was rather time-consuming during the ironing phase - it took some persuasion to get it to stick, but it did eventually :roll_eyes:
The leaves were also a new technique to me, but were not any one source - I had previously watched videos of people using acrylics on fabric, so painted the fabric first. Then the wires were couched on, which is a technique used in stumpwork leaves. I did add a small layer of glue along the back of the stitching, to ensure nothing pulled away.
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That mandrake! I love him!

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Isn’t he awesome?! He lives with me. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


 Just for no real reason
 when’s the next time you’re planning on leaving your house unattended?


Class or Challenge Title: DADA
House: Hufflepuff
Project Name & Page Link: Altered puzzle piece
Brief Description: This altered puzzle piece has metallic green leaves, with a lovely sheen, crystal flower centres and a gold thread running through the hanger and tassle.
Project Picture:

Class or Challenge Title: Divination
House: Hufflepuff
Project Name & Page Link: Butterfly cards
Brief Description: When we had cats, we were always having to tell them off for chasing butterflies. I would love to have cats again, but it does make me happy the butterflies in the garden are safe.
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Class or Challenge Title: Flying
House: Hufflepuff
Project Name & Page Link: Lindt chocolate cake
Brief Description: My favourite song tends to shift constantly, dependent on my mood, but some songs do stick in my mind more, especially when linked to specific events. One of our holidays was timed with the release of the song Cake by the Ocean by DNCE and we heard it on the radio every time we got in the car, so I picked that one to link this cake to.

I used this recipe - Rich Chocolate Mud Cake Recipe | Queen Fine Foods - but used Lindt chocolate where required. I made two batches of ganache, one was whipped to fill and ice the cake and to pipe the swirls. The other I added a little additional cream to and used it for the drip. The Lindt truffles on top are a mix of milk and Strawberries and cream.
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Class or Challenge Title: Potions
House: Hufflepuff
Project Name & Page Link: Butterfly mug rug
Brief Description: This butterfly mug rug was made from a pattern I already owned and using fabrics left over from other projects.
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Class or Challenge Title: SOAR
House: Hufflepuff
Project Name & Page Link: Victoria Sponge cake
Brief Description: This classic Victoria Sponge was made with 6 ingredients - weigh the eggs (in their shells) and make a note of the weight. I used 3 eggs for this cake. Weigh out the same weight in butter and sugar, and cream until well mixed and lighter in colour. Weigh out the same weight in self raising flour. Lightly beat the eggs together and slowly mix in to the creamed butter and sugar, adding a little flour if needed, to prevent curdling. Once all egg is added, mix in the rest of the flour until just incorporated, don’t over mix. Split mix into two lined cake tins and bake for around 20 mins at 180C, until just golden.

Once cooked, allow to cool slightly in the tins and then turn onto a cooling rack. I like the pattern it creates on the top, but if you don’t, gently one cake over.

Once completely cooled, layer with jam of choice and whipped cream. Serve with a fresh pot of tea
Project Picture:

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:sparkles: :owl: :scroll: Note from the Headmistress

Reminder! Today is the last day of the Ostara Term. All projects must be posted by midnight, Headmistress Time (aka Central Standard Time in the US). The new Midsummer Term will start tomorrow. Please do not post in the new thread until I officially announce it to be open tomorrow.

I could so do with a slice of that viccy sponge to go with my afternoon tea! Looks lush, and I agree about the pattern on top

Last project of the term

Class: HoM
House: Hufflepuff
Project: natural dyed yarn
I researched how to dye yarns, which I’ve never done before, specifically using natrual dyes
 As a result of my research I asked for a kit for Christmas which I just got around to using (it was sort of a non-starter on a narrow boat because of how much water it uses. Counter-intuitively you have to be really careful about water usage on boats because you aren’t plumbed in!).
The kit came with a lot more detail, as well as a recipe which I followed (well
 followed-ish. You know how it is) and I’m super pleased with how this came out.
I used potassium alum as my mordant, and dried pomegranate skins to make the dye.

What do you think I should knit with it? It’s 400m superwash merino, sock weight.

Link to where I got my research material


Class or Challenge Title: Muggle Studies
House: Hufflepuff
Project Name & Page Link: Pear Bears
Brief Description: A couple of pear bears that are made by hand, crocheted.
Project Picture:

Class or Challenge Title: Alchemy
House: Hufflepuff
Project Name & Page Link: Captain Capacitor
Brief Description: A capacitor in the form of a plushie, gift for my friend who finished his education, related to power.
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Class or Challenge Title: Charms
House: Hufflepuff
Project Name & Page Link: Homemade bread
Brief Description: My quest for the perfect bread continues with this bread that I made. Its was a good bread, but not the perfect! :sweat_smile:
Project Picture:

Class or Challenge Title: Detention: Statch
House: Hufflepuff
Project Name & Page Link: Little pocket fox
Brief Description: I had the yarn and the pattern is free online, and I have been looking at that for a time. And now I have finished him, and gave as an up-lifting gift for my brother who felt down.
Project Picture:


@Noodle - the colour on that yarn is stunning!

@skrutt - all great projects, but those little pear bears :heart_eyes:

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Class or Challenge Title: Herbology
House: Slytherin :snake: :yarn:
Project Name & Page Link: Hellebore Leaf Socks (ravelry link)
Brief Description: I test knit a new sock pattern (available as of 5/28) for Twinsetand purl. The lace is inspired by Hellebore flowers.
Project Picture:

Ooh boy, it’s been a WHILE. I’ve been super busy with house / yard / impending baby stuff and haven’t been on here in FOREVER.


:zap: Headmistress Jennie casts the House Points Charm! :zap:

Class or Challenge Title: Apparition
House: Slytherin :snake: :yarn:
Project Name & Page Link: Vitamin D cardigan (ravlery link)
Brief Description: It’s very flowy! Made this cardigan in a merino silk blend to be a good layering piece to save me from office air conditioning in the summer months, LOL.
Project Picture:

I’m poooosting!!! 
 And I’m so sorry I’ve not participated again this term
 Stupid work and C-word

Project name: Astronomy
House: Slytherin
Brief description:

I crafted a layout from our trip to DisneyWorld (Florida. :wink: )

Project name: Charms
House: Slytherin
Brief description:

I made a T-shirt for one of the girls’ friends for his birthday. One of his favourite colours is red.

Project name: CoMC
House: Slytherin
Brief description:

We’ve been going to the Giant Lanterns exhibition at our Zoo for 2 years - we always have a lot of fun and are happy that we’re able to do this.

Making this layout during lockdown situations made me happy just recording the memories.

Project name: DADA
House: Slytherin
Brief description:

Another T-shirt for another friend
 she’s a Hufflepuff, but wanted to have a powder blue T-shirt. I found black as a background too stark, so opted for silver vinyl. And it’s shiney!!

Project name: Herbology
House: Slytherin
Brief description:

Huffie and Gryffie found some Buttercups on our lawn
 they’re nearly the shade of my 4 blanket squares I crocheted

Project name: Potions
House: Slytherin
Brief description:

Currently going through my yarn stash and making granny squares.

Project name: SoAR
House: Slytherin
Brief description:

Having some tea is amazing
 it’s my go-to drink, whether hot or cold (lots of cold brewing going on now during the warmer months).
But what’s better than tea is having tea with a piece of cake! We currently love eating Rhubarb cake with a layer of custard

I’ve followed this recipe here - apologies, it’s in German.

Class: Charms
House: Hufflepuff
Project: Doll Dress
Description: Cast your minds back, if you will, to Valentines Day, lo these many months ago. I made a couple doll dresses with a fabric that featured tiny red hearts.

Class: DADA
House: Hufflepuff
Project: Hot Pink Doll Dress
Description: The fabric for this dress has lots of movement in it between the stripes of varying width and the shiny spots.

Prompt: Detention - Stash #2
House: Hufflepuff
Description: Doll dress using a scrap from one of my great aunts’ OG fabric stashes. Just a nice, simple polka dot.

Class: Divination
House: Hufflepuff
Project: Cat Doll Dress
Description: Cats! Cats! Millions of Cats! (ok - maybe that’s a slight exaggeration). This dress still needs a sash, but I’m not sure what color to choose.

Class: SoAR
House: Hufflepuff
Project: Green Doll Dress
Description: I’m not sure if it’s frogs or toads that have particularly bumpy skin, but either way this fabric reminds me of one of them.

Class: CoMC
House: Hufflepuff
Project Name: Picture Board
Description: My great-aunt passed away on Mother’s Day, and I made a picture display for her viewing a few days later. It turned out as well as could be expected using supplies scavenged around her apartment. It was a nice chance to look at older, happier times.

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