CLOSED: Nerd Games - Discussion Thread for 2020 Games

I never participated in Nerd Games on Craftster and it’s been fun joining in here on Lettuce.
I have a couple of questions though.

  • Do we do a raffle each season? If so I have something to donate but wasn’t sure if I missed seeing any msgs about it.
  • also, with the recent round of swaps that kicked off I have a lot of swap crafting going on. How do we handle posting those. I saw a couple people blur out the image and I think that’s good in the nerd games thread esp, if your partner doesn’t participate. but I don’t know that I’d want to post a project thread before they received. If I make items in August and September but they aren’t received until Oct, do they just not count for Nerd games?

We don’t do a raffle every season. Usually just once a year. The raffle didn’t seem too popular this past round. If people are interested, we can do a Nerd Games swap next season or winter season.

As for swap posts, how about this… post your project (blurred out if you need to), with a “coming soon” in the project link. You won’t get the bonus points just yet… if, before the end of the season, you do post in the community, update your links and send me a message that you did so.

If the end of the season comes and you haven’t been able to make a community post yet, on the LAST DAY of the season, send me a message stating that you are waiting for the recipient to receive their swap item before you post, with a promise that you will update when you can. I will give you the points then, provided you contact me before the season closes.

Does that sound good to everyone?


Could we maybe also have the option of posting swap items during the season they’re received, if a season ends before one is received? It wouldn’t have been made in that season, but if we didn’t claim it for the previous season, it’s not like we’re grabbing double points or anything.


I enjoy the raffle a lot, it’s one of my favorite parts of the games. :slight_smile: Both the raffle part and trying to think of something to offer people might like. :slight_smile:


I like this option. As long as we aren’t claiming it twice I’m cool with it. I think it would just be less hassle to do it all at once instead of having to come back and keep track of end dates. Life gets a little hectic for me sometimes. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I think that’s fair, and it seems others do, too. So if you want to save it for the next season, you can do so. I will add that to the rules later when I’m on my computer :blush:


Whew, cause honestly, that’s the way I have been doing it all along. :sweat_smile:


Does anyone know whether linking to a project post where I’ve tagged another user will cause that user to get a notification? I have a bunch of prompts to complete from a recent post but don’t want the tag-ee there to get spammed just so I can get the bonus points…

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Just linking it shouldn’t notify them. I think you’re safe.

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SBC has been nagging me again to post. I’m so terrible at remembering to do that :sweat_smile:


LOL! I know what you mean. I’ve had a few projects done for at least a week that I need to post. It’s on my list for today :slight_smile: One project is in the car, and it’s currently pouring. I’ll go out when there’s a break in the rain.


New Prompts are up!

September Battle - Hand vs Machine

September Theme - Sewing Month!

  • Bobbin Thread - Craft something that’s useful “under the table” or “unseen”, or something that is wound, or made with thread
  • Sewing Needle - Craft something that is made of metal, is sharp, or is long and thin
  • Seam Ripper - Craft a project that took more than one try, or was a complete and utter failure (it’s fine to post an unfinished project here that you’ve given up on, as long as you sunk enough time into it already!)
  • Tailor’s Chalk - Craft something that required drafting, sketching, or other type of physical pre-planning. Or something with chalk!
  • Iron - Craft something that requires meticulous ironing, flattening, heat, or is heavy.


So far this season, we have 13 active players! A total of 102 projects have been posted, including 5 big time project and 6 research projects!

Here is where each team stands currently:

Team Players Projects Points Average
Running with Scissors 5 35 1270 254
Knotty by Nature 2 29 1165 582
Paletteable Art 2 27 1270 635
Bits and Bobs 4 12 435 108

Battle Royale Results:

July # Results
Cultivated Borders 5 WINNER!
Wild Native Plantings 4
August # Results
Sharks 3
Orcas 5 WINNER!
September # Results

You can find your individual tracking sheet and the team roster here

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! Craft on, Nerds! :nerd_face:


Do you know when the next raffle will be? I was thinking of making something but don’t want to make something for the wrong season (i.e. Christmas ornaments for a March raffle :wink: ) Thanks!

Wayyyyyyy back in the comments we agreed to do one raffle a year in the spring, and do a swap in the winter.

The fall season runs October-November-December. That is a super busy time for most people, and I worry that we will have even less prize donations than we did in the spring. Last spring, we had 24 people with tickets, and many of those people had well over 40 tickets to bid. We only had seven prizes donated.

I personally feel that the raffle wasn’t that popular after more than a year of not having one (in 2019, we did that year long Nerd Games and held no raffle or swaps). Back on the old site, we had problems getting raffle donations as well, and it got even more sparse if we had multiple raffles a year. I think that keeping it to one raffle a year keeps the fun and interest going.

If anyone else would like to weigh in on this, feel free! We also have a swap to consider. Instead of a raffle, we could do a swap this fall. Or wait until the winter round to do a swap as previously agreed upon, and then do a raffle next spring again. I’d love to hear what you have to say!

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I do enjoy the raffles a lot and once a year in the spring is fine! :blush: I just wanted to start planning on something to offer, but if its only once a year then I won’t worry too much about what I offer being out of season as it will eventually be useful! :wink:

So, another question! I may have missed this, but it sounds like there is a planned event per quarter?? Is this right? What am I missing for the oct, nov, dec?

april, may, june – the raffle
july, aug, sept – the summer event (the choose an adventure or the bingo cards like this round)
oct, nov, dec – ???
jan, feb, march – the swap

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I don’t think we ever planned anything for fall. Do you have any suggestions? If anyone has an idea, we’d love to hear it!!! @Smeddley, did you already have ideas?

Also, how is everyone doing with the bingo cards for this summer round?


Thank you for the update and I am loving that pic of Monkey. Is that what your still calling him?

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I’ll try to think of something to suggest. I had some vague ideas of a scavenger hunt or something festive since it is the holiday season, but I’ve not come up with a solid fully formed idea yet. :slight_smile:

I’m filling out my bingo card! I’ve almost got bingo a couple of ways! :smiley: Need a few more projects to finish it up. :slight_smile:


Maybe we could have Holiday themed teams instead of the normal ones?