CLOSED - Nerd Games - Winter 2023

So a few quick comments before I post my projects:

The trivia is AMAZING. Memories, like the something something something… Misty water colored MEMORIES… :smiley:


In love with the little notebooks!

Oh, the kidney!!! So amazingly perfect!

Your marker skills are so so good!


Prompt: January Big Time
Team: Knotty by Nature
Project Name: Painted cart
Brief Description: An “aunt”, (close family friend) who always joined us for gatherings passed away and we inherited this cart. It was covered in rust and chipped paint, but she knew I loved it. I took it apart, sand blasted it, then enamel painted it. I Love how it turned out and learned so much.
Project Photo(s):

Prompt: January Battle - Planning for the future
Team: Knotty by Nature
Project Name: Pierogi Parade
Brief Description: We have a little gathering after New Years where our kids come over & we watch The Big Fat Quiz & talk about our hopes/goals for the New Year. This year my eldest got to choose supper & being a stinker he said he wanted a pierogi parade… so I made homemade pierogies for everyone, but his were displayed like this.
Project Photo(s):

Prompt: January Research Project
Team: Knotty by Nature
Project Name: Pressure canned bounty
Brief Description: This is what I’ve worked on most days. I conquered my fear of canning meat and we now have canned; meatballs in tomato juice, beef stew, chicken broth, chicken soup, chili, baked beans, RhuBBQ sauce, & RhuBBQ Chicken
Project Photo(s):


I love that cart! And the parade is so much fun!


Prompt: Research Project
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Goal Book 2023
Project Link: Goal Book 2023
Brief Description: My yearly dose of too many goals!
Project Photo(s):

Prompt: January Battle - Planning for the Future
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Bullet Journal Cover Page Art
Project Link: N/A
Brief Description: My first page of my new bullet journal, setting the tone for the year!
Project Photo(s):

Prompt: January - Reduce Stress
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Ladybug Blood Drop
Project Link: N/A
Brief Description: This was a WIP in a way - I’d made the black body and eyes awhile back when I was designing the cat blood drop, but had not made it into anything. Thumbing through my amigurumi books, I found a ladybug and adapted the wings to fit on the blood drop, then added antennae! Now it’s DONE!
Project Photo(s):


Prompt: January Battle- Planning for the Future
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Meal Planning Tracker
Project Link: n/a (or at least, not yet)
Brief Description: I get a weekly grocery delivery and in order to A) not waste any food and B) stop on the way home and pick up take-out, I find it very helpful to write out what I’m eating for the week so I a) don’t forget what’s in the fridge and b) remind myself that I have meals at home waiting to be cooked. Each day of the week has a line for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, plus a snack. I also have a section for “use up” to make sure I use any groceries left from the previous week (or in the freezer). I started with Monday at the bottom so I can tear/cut it off once the day is over. As my trial version, I used a list on a notepad before (and found that the system works), but this gives me more room.

Project Photo(s):


Prompt: February Battle - Moon
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Harley Quinn Copic drawing
Project Link:
Brief Description: I used some silvery moon colors for her skin tone. She’s a character from Batman, bats come out at night and so does the moon…I could keep going.

Project Photo(s):

Prompt: February - Waxing
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Fried tacos
Project Link:
Brief Description: I made fried tacos - the shells are splotchy!

Project Photo(s):

Prompt: February - Waning
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Blueberry scones
Project Link:
Brief Description: I don’t know if I’d ever made scones before. We had some blueberries to use. They turned out freaking delicious! They’re spotted with tasty berries.

Project Photo(s):

Prompt: February - New
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Enchiladas
Project Link:
Brief Description: I tried a new recipe for enchiladas. They turned out okay - for being like 18 steps the sauce was kind of bland. But it was still a filling dinner (and leftovers)!

Project Photo(s):

Prompt: February - Full
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Flower Copic drawing
Project Link:
Brief Description: This was just meant to be a quick warm up one day, and it turned into a few hours. I just couldn’t get it quite right and kept working on it instead of moving on. It’s round (ish) and has white highlights.

Project Photo(s):

Prompt: February - Blue
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Bread
Project Link:
Brief Description: It had been a while since I made bread and I just seized the moment one day to go for it. It was also a new recipe to me, and turned out pretty okay. I made a set of two loaves.

Project Photo(s):

Prompt: Big Time
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Rancor Copic drawing
Project Link:
Brief Description: Free-hand but based on a reference image I found online. I love how this one turned out. I wish the images could better capture what things look like in real life!

Project Photo(s):

Prompt: Big Time
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Venom Copic drawing
Project Link:
Brief Description: Free-hand but based on a reference image I found online. This is probably the most advanced thing I’ve done with Copics. I dunno why I just saw the reference image and said, “Sure, why not, let’s see what happens.” I didn’t have high expectations for myself. I worked on it over the last week or so and just finished it yesterday. I’m really happy with most of it, and learned so much!

Project Photo(s):

Prompt: Zap
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Seam fix
Project Link:
Brief Description: The double stitched seam came loose on the band of these pajama pants, so I did a quick fix (though something was weird with my machine for a minute and I broke THREE needles in the process - got it figured out in the end, though).

Project Photo(s):

hem fix

Prompt: Free Range
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Strawberry shortcake
Project Link:
Brief Description: I made strawberry shortcake for dessert, with the shortcakes from scratch and hand-whipped cream.

Project Photo(s):


Your drawings are incredible!


@LovelyMiss you always make amazing projects! I was really impressed with your Harley Quinn, but when I saw your Venom I was blown away! WOWWWWW!!!


Aww, thank you for the kindness! It really brightened my day. I honestly surprised myself a bit with Venom! For how unforgiving copics can be in some regards, they really allowed me a lot of trial and error on the red parts to get the shading right. I thought it wasnt going to work several different times!

I’m trying to decide on what picture to do next. :grin:


You are mastering the Copics. I love seeing your drawings so much! That Venom is incredible!


Prompt: February Waning
Team: Knotty by Nature
Project Name: Mini Kissing Tim
Project Link: Kissing Minis
Brief Description: I crocheted a mini version of my husband for him to take with him on a business trip. This is part of a couple
Project Photo(s):

Prompt: February Blue
Team: Knotty by Nature
Project Name: Mini Kissing Tab
Project Link: Kissing Minis
Brief Description: I also crocheted a mini version of myself to go with him. they go together & there are magnets in the mouths so they kiss.
Project Photo(s):


I love the idea of making something for him to keep around while he travels :hearts:

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I just wanted to give a quick update! I had my surgery today. I might not need the second one, so yay for that!

I gave the surgeon the crocheted kidney when I saw him. He was tickled pink when he saw it. He said it is genuinely the coolest gift he’s ever gotten, and is going to put it on a shelf in his office. He was going around to the surgical nurses, other surgeons, and anesthesiologists, bragging about his cool patient. A few even popped their heads in to tell me how awesome it was. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi-ho, Craft Nerds! There’s a new badge for the free-range makers!


Lettuce Craft has six distinct categories for crafting and some of our most adventurous crafters have journeyed onto all of these boards. They are our Crafty Chameleons!

If you have posted 3 or more projects to each of the crafting categories:
Home & Garden
Fashion & Wearables
Fiber & Textiles
Food & Drink
Paper & Vinyl Crafts

Send a message to @ moderators along with the links to your projects to claim your badge and have it activated!


Prompt: Full (February)
Team: Running with Scissors
Project Name: When you began art journal page
Project Link: N/A
Brief Description: Largely covered in white
Project Photo(s):

Prompt: Zap 1
Team: Running with Scissors
Project Name: Invoicing tracker
Project Link: N/A
Brief Description: I have one client whose projects are longer-term, and I often lose track of where I am milestone-wise and end up invoicing most/all of the project at the end rather than as I go. So I whipped up a simple tracker to give me a visual cue of when I’m at a billable point.
Project Photo(s):


Prompt: February- Blue
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Got Zilla? Shirts
Project Link: (Paste the link to your community post for the bonus points)
Brief Description: I made this set of shirts for two of my 6th grade students who won a homeroom attendance prize during our remote/hybrid schooling. I should clarify to say they won when they were in 6th grade. They’re currently in 8th grade, but I finally got them made (they kept growing, so I needed to buy new shirts). They are both big fans of Godzilla, and when one of them won the prize, the other was so disappointed that I made one for him, too.

Project Photo(s):

Prompt: Zap #1
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Got Zilla? Kitchen Towel
Project Link: Same link as above: Got Zilla? T-shirts (and a bonus dish towel)
Brief Description: Since I had the Got Zilla? designed already, I decided to whip up a kitchen towel for a friend who is a big fan.

Project Photo(s): (see above photo-towel is on the left)

Prompt: February- Full
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Chopping List Apron
Project Link: Chopping List Apron
Brief Description: This bright yellow apron is a long overdue Christmas or Birthday gift for my sister. She used to work for a company that provided freshly sharpened knives to commercial kitchens and she would deliver the knives weekly, picking up the dull ones at the same time. So, it seemed appropriate! While she doesn’t work there anymore, she still likes to cook, and has a decent knife set at home!

Project Photo(s):

Prompt: Free Range #1
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: KMart Shirt for KMart
Project Link: KMart shirt for KMart
Brief Description: One of my coworkers has the last name of Martin and her first initial is K, so another coworker started calling her KMart. Turns out that it was her nickname in college, too. She recently started a new job (great for her, sad for us), so I made this for her as a good-bye gift.

Project Photo(s):


@craftADDchick love Got Zilla :laughing:.

Prompt: Reduce Stress (January)
Team: Running with Scissors
Project Name: ATC mailers
Project Link: ATC Mailers from Gift Card Holders
Brief Description: I started the preliminary steps for this project on NYE and only finished it today. They’re a little scruffy, but they’re done.
Project Photo(s):


Prompt: February Big Time
Team: Knotty by Nature
Project Name: Crochet Mittens
Project Link:
Brief Description: I crocheted my first pair of mittens just in time for 5 more inches of snow
Project Photo(s):

Prompt: January Travel/Get outside more
Team: Knotty by Nature
Project Link:
Brief Description: I also made a matching hat for outside play. it has a fluffy pom pom
Project Photo(s):

Prompt: January Try a new hobby
Team: Knotty by Nature
Project Name: woven elbow mend
Project Link:
Brief Description: My hubs had a big hole in his elbow of his work sweatshirt. I got a speedweve and this is my first attempt at mending with it.
Project Photo(s):




Nice mending!

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@ezrib I really like that hat! Weirdly, I think I have one a lot like it in Animal Crossing :laughing:.

Prompt: Research Project 1
Team: Running with Scissors
Project Name: Junk Journal January
Project Link: Junk Journal January 2023 (pic heavy)
Brief Description: I finally got a research project! I ended up doing more of Junk Journal January than I’d anticipated – 26/31 prompts over the course of the month.
Project Photo(s):
Here’s a sampling of the pages; more photos at the project link.