Prompt: January Battle - Planning for the Future
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Kitty copic drawing
Project Link: N/A
Brief Description: We might get a kitty in the future, and I hope to continue getting better and better with my drawing/copic skills.
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: January - Be happier
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Brownies
Project Link: N/A
Brief Description: I made brownies from scratch. These ones were fudgy and pretty good! The warm chocolatey yum-ness made me happier. I followed this recipe:
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: January - Reduce stress
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Fancy breakfast
Project Link: N/A
Brief Description: I generally like cooking - it helps me wind down and focus MOST of the time. (Sometimes it’s a sh*tshow
). This was a nice way to spend an hour in the morning a few weeks ago.
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: January - Travel or get outside more
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Chorizo breakfast scramble
Project Link: N/A
Brief Description: Warm places are my favorite to travel to - Spain, Mexico - generally inspired this breakfast.
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: January - Save money
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: More brownies
Project Link: N/A
Brief Description: The first batch of brownies was so tasty we wanted another. But I didn’t have enough cocoa powder left. So I took stock and found this recipe and was able to use only what I had on hand. I followed this recipe: Best Brownie Recipe Ever
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: January - Try a new hobby
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Pretzels
Project Link: N/A
Brief Description: I’ve never made pretzels from scratch. I read about it and was in wonder about the process and baking soda bath - what science wizardry. Anyway, I decided to make some. They were surprisingly fun and delicious! I followed this process: Homemade Hard Pretzel Rods Recipe | Girl Versus Dough
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: Research Project
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Embroidery
Project Link: N/A
Brief Description: I had no idea what I was getting into when I picked up a little embroidery kit on clearance for $1. Umm, it took me steady work over about two and a half weeks. I’ve done some embroidery here and there, but this is probably my biggest project ever. I’m not that great at it, and many of the stitches were new to me so I had a lot of trial and error. Overall, though, it’s finished and cute enough!
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: Free Range
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: New Years mini-party
Project Link: N/A
Brief Description: We had a little two person party for New Years and I put together this spread for us.
Project Photo(s):