CLOSED - Thing-A-Day February 2024

That’s very beautiful

or vraiment beau


My thing yesterday was sorting out all my yarn stash and WIPs.

Also, I have been doing things for swaps several days this week, but they’re secret …


2/8. I didn’t have the bandwidth for a lot of faffing, but they’re done.


@Bunny1kenobi I probably need to know more about this bathmat! I have been trying to find one that is the entire length of the bathtub, but not longer and well… they’re all longer! It’s not a short bathtub either. They’re also really expensive.

Today… well, traffic is not usually even a thing here - and I work at remembering what real traffic is like, so as to not get spoiled - but today a big truck turned over and totally blocked traffic for HOURS. I don’t think there was a fatality and it didn’t look like the cab of the truck was even damaged much other than being on its side, but anyway I spent extra time just killing time while in town and then two hours “driving” home (usually 30-35 mins). Soooooo, I might not actually be creative at all today. :weary:


Card for the man outta paper scraps from other card making sesh. This one’s my fave.


@Magpie - Aw, I love it!

@Lynx @TheMistressT - I thought I’d be doing a creative rest day, too. I had a lot of actual work-work to do today which killed my crafty mojo a bit.

But I did manage to squeeze in a little playing in the craft room just now. For the prompt series…circles.


I didn’t work on anything yesterday, but I did go and pick up some supplies.
Today, I worked on another mock-up and have been using it to write myself cutting directions for this bag that I want to make for my mom’s birthday (but am quickly running out of time :grimacing:).


Adding dinos and pin backs… like ya dooo.


Ohhh, what? I am loving this already!


That masterboard effect is loved. By me.


@Magpie You can see so much in the teeniest of scraps of whatever material you are looking at!

So, I did drag my kiester uptstairs to my space and managed to cut and glue three die cut “clouds” out of vellum. WoO! I had intended to cut them out of paper, but while digging I came upon a scrap of vellum and decided to give it a try.



Yes, bath mats are crazy expensive! Especially if you want a custom sized one. My hubby and I have been looking for one for a while because we have a very specifically sized space in our bathroom where we want a rug and it’s not a normal size by any means. I was at a thrift store recently and found a couple of large quilted pillow shams. I had my handy-dandy tape measure with me, and measured them and realized that if I sewed them together, they would be a great size for the bathroom. This is made of just the fronts of the pillow shams. The backing is made from an old towel that is still in decent shape, it’s just ugly.

I wanted something that would be able to be washed easily, and put in the dryer. The mats with the rubber backings don’t do well in the washer or dryer because the rubber breaks up and deteriorates with washing. I also considered doing something similar with some very sturdy fabric placemats. The colors weren’t quite what I wanted and since our bathroom walls are light gray, this felt like the better option.

All told, this mat cost me about $13 compared to the $30-$50 ones we saw on Amazon. I spent more on binding than anything else because I didn’t want to take the time to make my own bias binding.


This is amazing! Is it going to be embroidered?

@AntBee I wondered what your plan was!


My thing for today was a grab bag of little things - a bit of painting, some sorting of sewing room, some secret swap stuff, and a couple of granny squares for an ancient WIP.


100th day of school today…which meant redoing all our plans in the 15 minutes before we are supposed to walk out the door. :roll_eyes: Made some quick makeshift rollers for Ruby’s hair…but she took them out of course, lol. Hopefully I get to be more crafty than this today.


BRILLIANT! I am going to keep my eye peeled and my mind open to bathmats when seeing textiles now. I am a sucker for matelassé as it it, so this has me plotting.


Day 8 - finished half of 5 motifs:


I need to work on my glazing and flat washes, some of the layers came out a bit darker than intended.


Thank you! Yes, it will be embroidered and the word ‘create’ will be appliqued with a coordinating fabric.


Very pretty! The sky especially is beautiful and smoothly blended, lovely!