CLOSED - Thing-A-Day February 2024

I’m just cutting fabric. It’s a theme for these days.




My thing a day was bringing some of my students’ artwork to my school board meeting to show off and talk about our art show. No other actual crafting, but that was a big deal for me.


I started sewing and quilting a placemat for my cat bowl. I learned that i suck at quilting. Not just a little bit, but in an astonishing major way. Its as if i tried to suck this hard. It hurt my feelings.
But that just means improving is going to be that much sweeter, even if i go to bed with tears in my eyes tonight.

Seriously, that bad.


Oh, dear. That sounds awful! I hope a good night’s sleep will help you feel better.


((Hugs)) We all have to start somewhere! Quilting can be surprisingly challenging. I know there are tons of great YouTube videos and I’m sure if you have something specific you’re struggling with someone here could help. Try not to be too hard on yourself!


I feel your struggle! Over here sewing and feeling out of my depth. I keep trying to tell myself, “I don’t suck at this. I’m just not good at it YET.” Somewhere on YouTube, a quilter said you have to use a walking foot. Do you have one of those? I just got one, to see if it helps. Now I’m just trying to figure out how to install the dang thing!


Oh that pumpkin face! Hang in there, sometimes the right tool or bit of advice will make a big difference. I hope it goes so much better for you when you come back to it after a day or two.


My energy today mostly went on facing the horrible outside chores I’ve been putting off for weeks. So I think my creative thing tonight is just going to be another granny square or two, collapsed on the couch.


I’m finding this so hard to believe with your sewing prowess! You are no stranger to precision…

I am not the best at piecing/quilting, but I still do it. Not being good at something has yet to stop me from plowing through a project, LOL.


Thank you to everyone. I am going to keep at it. The quilting part wasn’t so bad. I mainly freehanded some patchwork and stitched the ditch. I found I am scared to actually sew randomly over the fabric. I also learned an essential rule - let your eye rest. Hahah! It is so busy and all over the place. Actually, the more I look at it, the funnier I find it. And my binding is a complete mess, but I was over the project by then. I have another mat I am planning to make. There is a cute cat block that I would like to use for it. Quilting patterns are much different than sewing patterns, so it will be my first attempt at slowing down and doing it. I honestly think that if I slowed down, 90% of my problems would go away.


I have found that people who neither sew nor quilt really don’t understand that they are not really the same thing, even though they use the same tools and some of the same materials. This is obviously why people I know have commissioned me to make tee shirt quilts! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :grimacing:


It is learning a new skill. It’s so weird because most of it is the same tools (and some I plan to utilize in my sewing). My brain wants to go full force and tackle it, but I need to slow down and relearn so much. My first attempt was pretty hilarious in retrospect.


I’m so glad you’re feeling better about it!


Nobody I know is more positive than you! Even when you struggle you push through, bounce back, and do it with a smile! @gozer, you’ve always been an inspiration to me. :heart:


Day 12 - baked cookie bars for a bake sale:


These look delicious!


Does cleaning the car license plate and putting the new tag on there count? :rofl:

I delivered 3 of 4 Valentine treat things this morning, but am also not counting that. Heading out to the shop to look for just the right piece to make one last little thing for TheMisterT for Vday!


I’m glad you’re feeling optimistic and persevering with it.

That can be a really helpful tactic, I think. I’ve been sewing for about 40 years, and most of the time, I actually sew more slowly now than I used to. I think it’s because I hate unpicking and I like precision. So when I slow down, I enjoy the process much more.


I can’t quit. I have bought fabric for three quilts now. I MUST finish those. LOL! And they are all for myself. :rofl: :joy: