Random painty bits cut into dividers for my saved letters box, which is also sorted out.
I’d like to get all the stamps glued to this box next. There’s enough to cover both inside & out at this point.
It’ll be for holding recent correspondence I’ve yet to respond to, I’ve gotten behind in that & lost track.
No picture, but still working on the scarf. And trying to do some designing for ITH-plushies.
Today I took apart a crochet toque I made myself 3 years ago. It would have been great in Alberta where we had little wind but it had too many holes for the wind here in PEI. I’m using the yarn and a different pattern to make myself a new one.
Oof. So far today, all I have done craft-wise is seam rip. Black thread on black polar fleece… serged seams.
Ouch. When I have that kind of thing happening, I start wondering what I’ve done, to have been singled out for torment.
I love that the letter box is in the shape of an envelope
Lucky thrift store score, that box!
I want to do something creative for 15 minutes a day, no matter what it is.
I’m adding things I’ve already done below, and I’ll come back a little later to add the photos.
1st: Put together the Everyday Holidays Craftalong and added some ideas for celebrating some of the holidays. Also, made some envelopes from calendar pages.
2nd: Added more ideas to Everyday Craftalongs and made more envelopes from calendar pages.
3rd: Took photographs at the Repair It! Café. Made more envelopes.
4th: Made the final batch of envelopes.
5th: Took advantage of this beautifully sunny, very mild February day, and took photos at the playground while the children played. Also took some creative photos in the evening at Feb Fest
6th: Made 3 ATCs for the January swap; made a library haul TikTok video. I won’t put the ATC pictures here so I don’t spoil the surprise for the recipients
7th: Drew a monster for the monster swap. Started on the second monster.
8th: Finished the second monster for the monster swap and finished one of my pieces for the Invite Your Partner swap.
Day three was very productive.
My thing for today was excavating and sorting out part of the sewing room. Not photogenic, but satisfying
I think I need some of those paint sprays in my life.
Haha, right? Mostly, this is because I am reconfiguring a storebought piece, but then of course I screwed up and had to undo some of my own work. Mine wasn’t serged, but it was a special knit stitch that has a squidillion stitches per inch, of course.
Feb 4
Hmmm, I wonder what it is…
Haha! Cussing up a storm, over here. But not giving up.